How to set up conversion tracking in the store on Horoshop?

Як в магазині на Horoshop налаштувати відстеження конверсій? Horoshop

Hello everyone. My name is Yana Lyashenko and I am a Google-logist. And in today’s video, I’ll show you how to set up advanced conversion tracking with e-mail and phone number transfer on Khorosop. And for the purchase tag conversion, I have a separate video on how to set up the purchase tag on Horosop. I will not consider it in this video. There will be a link somewhere here or at the bottom, or you can easily find a playlist on Khorozhop. I will show you how to configure this advanced as explained by Google itself. Well, that is, these are options as he told how it can be configured.

Filling out a test order, filling in the fields

So where do we start with you in general? Look, I have Tag Manager. I click preview. Of course, you won’t see the site, I won’t show the client for whom I’m setting it up. But what do we do? Your task is to do what? That’s right, I already have the product here. I click Checkout. Look, everything will be visible here – the name of the product, except for this block of placing an order, so that you can see. See what I write here. Let it be, I don’t know, “Yanka test”, phone number. Look, now, I already have it registered here. Well, let’s write something there. Yes, and here is the telephone mail.

Phone number transfer settings

How to configure all this for Google Tag Manager? Let’s go to our Google Tag Manager. Let’s go to this block. I have it called Variables. And you will have these variables, if your interface is not in English, respectively.

Here in this block in User-Defined varbles. Here you will have two blocks, these are built-in variables. And that seems to be something we define individually. It will be the same structure. I click New, I click Configuration.

I’m looking for an item called, if I didn’t miss it, DOM Element.

Fixed. In this DOM Element, I select the CSS selector. Fixed.

Next I need to insert this selector. Believe me, there will be nothing complicated here. We return to our site. Just call our phone number. We press the right button “View code” or you call up this code, a key combination, if you have Windows there. Unfortunately, I don’t remember on Windows. Tap with the right button. Look, if I click, for example, on the name “View code”, it immediately highlights this block of data in such a bluish-blue color.

If I click on the phone number, click “View code”, I will have this thing accordingly. So, without clicking anything else, we simply point to this block that was highlighted to us. Right-click, select “Copy” > “Copy Selector”. We don’t do anything else.

We return to our HTM, we simply insert this long box, which we have here. Next, here we must write, believe it or not, value.

Next you have to call this thing. Well, for example, I will call it Phone Css-2 Y, because I have already filmed this video for my children. I seem to have such a change.

E-mail transmission settings

I will do the same with email now. Configuration variable. I’m looking for a DOM Element again, changing it to a CSS selector. I am returning to the site. Email, please, it is very, very fundamentally important for Google to have an email, to be fixed.

Because if we look at the certificate, so far this certificate is relevant. Maybe they will dust, recycle. Because everything changes. The phone as a separate change can be tracked only if there is an email. Therefore, you do not have a special choice, you need to have an email. Because you can still add a surname, a first name, but I don’t see the point in this. For example, it is not used in targeting. It was possible to take the city and address, but the system will ask you to transfer, for example, the index. And there are no indexes here. In short, in order not to bother, an email and a phone number will be enough for you.

Again the right button on the email, “View code”. Here, it lit up for me. Right button, “Copy” > “Copy selector”.

Let’s go back. Just inserting. Here I write value. Email – Css Y, I will clearly notice here. We keep it.

Checking whether parameters are transferred according to the configured collection

What do we do now? Now we need to check whether these, in principle, parameters are tracked. How to do it? I click Preview again. I press the curtain. I go to my site. Look, since the product is already in the shopping cart, I immediately go to the shopping cart. If you don’t see it here – add the product to the basket, “Checkout”. Look, I had “Yanka test” written here, let’s write “Yanka RRRRRR”. Oh yeah. Let’s redo the phone number. There are 96, we will redo the twos and the email. That’s how they fixed it. That is, you can see what I wrote here now.

I return to the previous window that the viewer opened for us. Here I have this checkout page. I’m switching to variables. And what am I doing? Just follow these clicks that we had. What will you see here? “Ian’s Email Css”.

This is what she created. Magic. Something is happening here. Right? Even if something has changed in a person’s life. She thinks, God, she entered the email by mistake and she is editing it, I don’t know, all the time.

God, what am I doing? Everyone is empty. Let’s go back here. Let’s move on to the 24th. Now, what do we have here? Somewhere he clicks again. We record this click. And what do we see? we already have everything here.

There was 122, there could be something else like tedd22. This is all unimportant, because we will send this data later on the event. That is, as a result, we will only have a final Usipusik.

The same thing happens with our phone number, if you see. That’s if, again now, that’s where I replace the phone number. Let them be units, click again on some other element. I take line 26. Voila, there are other phone numbers. This is what you and I want to capture. If you want the same thing, you can do it for names there, surnames, etc. and other. This is your fantasy.

Configuring variables in the purchase tag

What next? I will definitely go to tags. I find my purchase tag that I had configured.

I expand it, click here and be sure to look for this block, which is called Include user-provided data from your website. Well, it’s “Enable User Data”. I already have it selected here, but, conditionally, you can click “New variable” here.

User-privileged data. Select “Set manually”. And here is everything you need.

In general, it does not play a role. I had it there. I’m going to redo it now because the specialist didn’t manage to set it up. I show how to correct it. Here, accordingly, I also demonstrate this. This will be my new variable “Emails”. Do you remember the “Css 2” emails we did. And no, we did not make emails with “Css 2”. And we used the phone as a couple. Here are 2 Y. These are the same, if you check, these things that you and I have, where is it all over here, our “Email – Css Y”. Why do I use such “usipusik”? Then you remember everything very well.

Look, using the same technology, you can take the first name, that is, the name, surname, street, city, region, country, postal code. The only thing is that when we add, you can add several parameters here. See name, surname. It doesn’t really have any value for targeting. Google once said that it will do personalized advertising, that is, if a person wrote Jan there, then it will say “Jana”, there, for example, “Jana, this offer is for you”, conditional, or something like that.

I haven’t seen such a spread yet, so I don’t know if you want to track it or not. This is according to your wish. In principle, for most sites in Ukraine, people register their real surname and first name. Why? Because they want to have something sent to them by Nova Poshta.

Street, city. The only thing that will not be enough for you here is the code post. Because if we look at the structure of the Khorozhop checkout, we have delivery here, it will leak that this is not a branch. It will take the address of this branch.

I don’t recommend targeting it anyway, because I’m not sure if it will be super correct. Because the ultimate idea of targeting by addresses, or rather the collection of this data, was that the system would understand in which of the regions it is better or in which streets with a radius of one kilometer something works well, something works badly. In principle, you can track the locations of Novaya Poshta for this purpose. In principle, only people with purchasing power come to the post office. But since this point has not been tested, so that it does not happen that the system will try to pour money only into this radius, and people there, for example, come to pick up their parcels, and not to buy something. That’s why it’s like this – 50 by 50. But the index is simply not enough here. If you know about us, for example… What about us, if you take some foreign Shopifaev projects, open any American site there, when you get to the checkout, everything is simple in them – address, street and postal code. This is also done because there are such requirements, for example Google.

That is, they have done it, it will be enough for Ukraine. Save “User-Provided Data”. I will call her Yana, conditionally. I keep it.

See this thing will work on the purchase event. On Horosop, I remind you, the purchase event is triggered when we click the “Make an order” button, then this data is only sent. Therefore, if a person mixed up the e-mails there, corrected the phone number, everything will be exactly the same in the final result, the last one will be sent. Here is what was last. It is quite good, quite convenient.

Configuring variable collection using third-party scripts

If, for example, you need, well, for example, you have a purchase tag implemented directly from Khorosop, there are situations when an additional script is placed there. I do not really recommend this method. It is better through GTM. Then you have more flexibility in management. Because you can add to this purchase the entire set of data that you are interested in setting these parameters there. If you want, you can change it. Still, it’s a little more convenient than asking someone to do it. If all of a sudden you’re putting it directly there through scripts that you’re putting directly into Good, then you’ll need to make a tag called Google Ads User-provided Data Event.

You click here Tag configuration. You choose this Google Ads and choose, here you see it is the last one I have. You will not confuse it with User-provided – this is data provided by users.

Here you insert your Google Ads ID. That’s all that comes after AW-. You can find this in your conversion. Select User Data, which you created there before and select the trigger. If on Horosop – it is a purchase. Then choose purchase. Save everything, publish it. Everything, voila. This thing will work for you.

In this case, I suspend it, because in principle, all data will be transferred here. This block is needed more when you have a little different or not at the same time, or in different ways, it’s ways, it’s tweaked.

Publication and analysis of results

That’s it, all that’s left is to publish. How quickly Google, in principle, will react to the correctness of the data. Look, he will very often argue in any case that some data is missing. Because at least when re-ordering this e-mail will no longer be highlighted here. That is, it is stored somewhere in cookies or where the user is, then people need to be forced to leave their profile. Here some auto seems to be registering. That’s why I don’t know what to tell you here. In principle, most of the data will be sufficient if it is in this form. And somewhere in only 45 days, as Google says, it’s good that it’s not 40. In principle, it will be somewhere in a month, he will more or less adequately show you the analytics according to how he will use it.

In general, somewhere in the course of three days you will see whether, in principle, he ate these parameters or did not eat these parameters. In the interface, it will highlight “needs attention” or not. But, usually, it can take a little longer.

But this is a super simple option without writing scripts, taking any variables, if you are not a programmer. This is directly according to the manual that was given by Google itself, or rather Googlers recorded a video, explaining how to take everything, as if super correct. Everything is tracked. Usipusiki or whatever you want to take there. Everything is fixed, please, it is all sent by the purchase event.

That’s almost everything I wanted to tell you.

Яна Ляшенко
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