Google Ads contextual advertising in Kazakhstan

Context advertising in Kazakhstan

Contextual advertising is by far one of the most effective marketing tools that allow you to quickly increase targeted traffic to a website. Its main feature is that ads are displayed in search results and ad blocks of third-party sites only to users who have shown interest in your product.

Google Ads in Kazakhstan refers to low-cost promotion methods with high performance. The tool helps to increase online sales of almost any product. The only thing that is needed for this is a high-quality ad setting. After all, only a professional approach to launching a campaign is a guarantee and a guarantee of achieving the predicted result.

Competent actions of the contextologist allow you to spend the advertising budget with the maximum return. Therefore, such an important task should be entrusted only to specialists with experience and knowledge in this field.

Our agency has been working in the field of Internet marketing for more than 8 years, during which we have successfully solved a number of both standard and non-trivial tasks in the most complex niches. We are able to quickly formulate strategies and launch highly effective campaigns even with small budgets. Our experts convert every tenge you invest in contextual advertising into additional sales and new customers.

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Google Contextual Advertising Benefits for Kazakhstan

Contextual advertising in Google Ads

  1. Wide reach. The number of Google users in Kazakhstan is 4 times higher than the number of those who prefer Yandex.
  2. Geotargeting. You can limit the display of Google contextual advertising by selecting only certain cities (for example, only Almaty and Nur-Sultan), or block ads for irrelevant regions.
  3. Extensions. Custom add-ons and extensions help make your ads more informative and visible to potential customers.
  4. Language settings. The Google contextual advertising service allows you to set up campaigns for native speakers of selected languages (for example, only for Russian or English-speaking audience).
  5. Affordable cost. The competition for online users in Kazakhstan is not as fierce as in Ukraine or Russia, so in most areas of activity, clicks are much cheaper.
  6. Quick result. Within a few hours after launching a professionally customized campaign, you will see the first orders.
  7. Versatility. Contextual advertising in Kazakhstan is able to meet the needs of organizations of any activity and allows only businesses that have entered the market to start as quickly as possible.

Why ordering contextual advertising in an agency is a good decision?

No one will forbid you to set up advertising on your own, but without having enough experience in managing contextual campaigns, you can easily make serious mistakes and unknowingly spend the budget, getting zero results.

It is more expedient to turn to professionals and order contextual advertising in Almaty at an agency. There are many advantages to this option:

  • Transparent terms of cooperation. Each paragraph of our contract is simple and clear. Do you want to check it out? We will send you a blank sample.
  • Professional approach. For the past 8 years, our campaign has been working exclusively with advertising in Google Ads, not spraying on other related areas. This allowed us to become experts in our field.
  • Complexity. Within each project, we can set up and support 5 different traffic sources — Google Ads, Google search ads, YouTube video ads, Google Shopping campaigns and remarketing tools.
  • Detailing the semantics. Despite the fact that it takes a lot of time, we create a separate ad for each search phrase, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the campaign to the maximum.
  • We use analytical systems. Not being able to analyze advertising results usually results in zero return on investment. The Analytics system helps to control the results, which we must connect to all the resources of our customers. This allows us to regularly analyze significant indicators and adjust settings.
  • We spend our advertising budget carefully. Our experts monitor irrelevant queries and regularly update the list of negative keywords. So we weed out those who can click on the ad, but are not going to buy the product. This reduces the number of ineffective clicks.

We will provide you with full and detailed monthly reporting, so you will not have any questions about where your funds were spent and what work was done.

How is contextual advertising set up in Google Ads?

Setting contextual advertising in Almaty

  1. Selection and matching of semantics. The list of keywords is influenced not only by the area in which you work, but also by your current priorities, regional coverage and the amount of funds allocated for advertising.
  2. Connecting analytics systems. Without detailed statistics collected by analytical systems, tracking the results of advertising and its adequate optimization is impossible. We adjust existing goals and, if necessary, set new ones.
  3. Formation and launch of campaigns. An advertising campaign starts only after detailed settings and successful completion of all preparatory stages. We definitely monitor the results of the RC.
  4. Maintenance and optimization of campaigns. We regularly analyze the collected statistical information and, if necessary, adjust the settings, supplement the list of negative keywords, block inefficient sites, edit ad texts, optimize bids, use new tools and formulate recommendations for improving the pages of your web resource.
  5. Reporting. On a monthly basis, we provide comprehensive data on costs and results achieved, on the basis of which, together with you, we decide on future actions.

Cost of contextual advertising in Almaty

You can order contextual advertising in Almaty even if your budget is not too big. Only you determine the amount you are willing to spend on ads and the maximum CPC.

It is important to remember that the service has an auction system for selecting ads for priority display. This means that the target audience is more likely to contact the ads of those advertisers who are willing to pay more per click than competitors.

But there are several other criteria that affect ad ranking:

  • The quality of the ad. The service evaluates the indicator in accordance with a special algorithm.
  • Clickability. Even if the advertiser’s bid per click is not the maximum, he can win the auction in a situation where the probability of clicking on his ad is higher than that of other participants.
  • Theme competition. The niches of financial consulting, construction, sales of clothing and footwear, real estate are extremely overheated, and therefore expensive. The low cost of Google advertising in Kazakhstan, as a rule, in such topics as handmade, highly specialized equipment, exclusive goods, etc.
  • Region of presence. Advertising in cities with a million population, for example, in Almaty or Nur-Sultan, as a rule, is more expensive than in small cities.

Important! The first clicks in a newly launched campaign can be quite expensive. But after some time, the cost will become less, and the performance indicators will increase.

This is due to the fact that the system must learn and collect data to more accurately determine the likelihood of a user clicking. An additional positive effect is provided by the professional optimization of the campaign by the agency’s specialists.

The final cost of contextual advertising consists of a click fee charged by the search service and a subscription fee to the agency for launching and maintaining campaigns. CPC in Kazakhstan depends on the industry and starts from 3 tenge. The subscription fee for the services of our agency is 130 thousand tenge.
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