Full instructions: connecting Performance Max to Shopify

Підключаємо Performance Max на Shopify Shopify

Hello everyone. My name is Yana Lyashenko. I’m a Google logistician. I am engaged in delivering business to the target audience with the necessary parameters. My task is to scale online sales using Google advertising tools. In today’s video, we’ll look at how you can, relatively speaking, easily and simply set up shopping advertising campaigns on your Shopify website. Before we jump into any specific actions, the time codes will be below, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

Steps to set up shopping advertising campaigns in Shopify

First, the entire setup will include three stages, whether you want it or not, conditionally. The first stage is setting goals. What are goals for? Well, firstly, so that in the advertising account they can see, at a minimum, what it sells and what it doesn’t sell. Secondly, to be able to launch Performance Max and smart trade advertising campaigns to work. Why in this context? Performance Max uses Google artificial intelligence and machine learning, which must be based on some data. It is impossible to build some kind of statistical or predictive model without some initial data. The initial data will be the correct conversions configured in the advertising account. In any case, we do it.

Second, you must undergo verification in a service called Merchant center. A very important stage, one of the fundamental ones at which, in principle, you can get stuck, conditionally. Why? Because Google is tightening the requirements for verification and moderation. Well, we’re not talking about that today. To understand that a store inspection may take up to 72 hours. If you block it, you will have to tinker with the edits. We will not consider this moment today; we will look at how this can happen in a situation where everything is there.

How many calls and sales will I get by ordering contextual advertising from you?

I need to calculate the conversion of my website Describe
the task
in the application

Calculate potential ad revenue Google
contextual advertising calculator

The third, immediate stage is the creation of advertising campaigns. Creating advertising campaigns will take less than a minute according to the instructions. The longest periods for setting up are directly related to the Merchant Center.

Two options for setting goals

Where do we start? Let’s start by setting up goals. Goal settings are goals, conversion, main actions that we will record for the Google Ads system. There are two options for setting up these goals. The first is setting up all conversions through the fourth analytics, etc. The second option is when we set up conversions for Google Ads itself. We will launch advertising campaigns in the Google Ads service. It is possible to create their personal Google Ads conversions.

Quickly create Google Ads conversions

In today’s video I’ll look at how to create Google Ads conversions very quickly. Among the nuances: there is a separate video for the fourth analytics, you can watch it on how to set up a purchase, the same one, if you want to set up something more in-depth for yourself. We are setting up a base from which you can 100% start.

The only problem that may arise is with the correctness of recording conversions using the plugin. It’s free, completely free. You need to check, play the advertisement to understand whether there are any nuances, whether some kind of in-depth adjustment is needed. Let’s go through the lightest option, with a minimum budget. If you want to start up on your own, this will be enough. Setting up analytics involves two stages. The first stage is to check that conversions are recorded in your Google Ads account. Secondly, be sure to check that there is basic dynamic remarketing on the site.

Google Channel plugin for Shopify

These two things are important. These two things can be easily implemented using one Google plugin written for Shopify. It’s called Google Channel. You can find it in the Shopify store by apk using the request that you google or you can take the link that will be in the description.

The next task is to install this plugin. Always check that you are logged into your Shopify with the correct email address, otherwise there may be some inconsistencies. Click Install, then what needs to be done.

There is practically nothing you need to change here, you just need to click the Add sales channel button.

Attaching the Google Channel plugin to Google services

Dachshund, continue carefully! You need to connect the plugin to Google services. Google services, the entire connection between them, access to all services occurs through one tool, parameter, attribute, whatever you want – this is e-mail. It is advisable that for all services for logging into Google Ads, the fourth analytics, when planning to create a Merchant Center, the login took place through the same e-mail. It is advisable to create a separate e-mail for all services so that it is not linked anywhere. For what? Then you’ll want to tie up all the convenient emails, what you need or don’t need isn’t super important. It is desirable that the connection occurs correctly. In this case, so that everything goes without a hitch. To avoid getting your accounts mixed up, it is advisable to simply create a separate e-mail, be sure to save access to it and the password, since everyone often loses it, and connect through it. The option is ideal. If you don’t want to, use any Gmail mail or corporate mail that uses Gmail and Google servers to track this history.

Press the Google Connect button. Next, you need to select an email to log in and allow it all the access it needs. Unfortunately, Google will always ask for access. Next, you will need to go through these stages before anything happens in your advertising account. What does it mean? The application can mark everything that is ticked. Typically, stores may have this block inactive. Then you need to add, just click on this button, it takes you to the section refund policy and terms of service on the Shopify platform and asks you to fill them out. Terms of service fill out these things using the Shopifaevsky generator. You will have to write a Refund policy, accordingly, as Google asks you to do. I will leave a link below to a description of the basic requirements for moderation. This is an official certificate. You can read, there is a separate section about refund policy. It is advisable that it be written in detail.

Next save and confirm that this is our story. Further, if the post office is completely new, it will offer to create a new Merchant Center. In my case, there are several merchant centers. I’ll show you how I create a new one.

Creating a new Merchant Center

Create New Account in this case. Here’s the new account. There will definitely be a digital value. Remember that access to the Merchant Center is available under the email under which, respectively, Google Channel was connected to Shopify. Next, be sure to click Connect.

Next we go and check the phone number, confirmation is required. The phone number must be… Where does the phone number go, that there is confirmation of rights to the site. Let’s wait. Transfer to my domain, I click this because there were already several Merchant centers for this site. I made videos for different stories. If this is the case, we will move our site. It’s just a connection or a new Merchant Center created and that’s it. You won’t need to do anything else.

Entering a phone number

Next you need to enter your phone number. Pay very close attention to this point. The phone number must match the phone number on the website, because the phone number will be added to a certain section of the Merchant Center settings.

Googlers check this, without fail, and robots skip it to the first stages of checking the store. Be careful. Do not enter any left number here, neither grandmother’s nor mother’s, not some home, work, etc., not related to the site. The phone number that is on the site must necessarily match what is available. I’ll confirm it now, I’ll confirm it. “To get the code”. Here, a peculiar window will initially pop up where you must enter this code. Next, click “Verify”. Let’s move on.

Next, some basic setup was done, and the Merchant Center was already created. The Merchant Center account has already been created. Some information has already been filled in. We’ll check again. Let’s move on.

Country and language settings

Be sure to select Target Country, country, language. Be sure to check carefully, since here we are looking at the process of creating a store and launching advertising for stores where there is conditionally one language on the site. Several languages on the site – you need to use a slightly different plugin. If the story is relevant, you can write it in the comments. I will record a separate video on how to do this with multilingual Shopify sites. Choose your country. This is usually the country in which Shopify was registered. You choose. There will be States, Canada, Europe, whatever suits. Be sure to choose the Target language, the language you will directly target. It is important. Be sure to select this block. Create a feed for this language in the Merchant Center. Important point. Next, click “Save.”

I would also recommend highlighting a few points. Now we will gradually approach this. As you can see, the setup process through the plugin is not entirely complicated. Everything was done quite simply, as they say, for the people.

Setting up delivery conditions in the plugin

Next, the plugin will ask you to select delivery settings. This is an important point. Why?

Shopify has a fairly convenient tool where the weight of a product item is loaded and, accordingly, all attributes related to delivery are automatically generated inside the Merchant Center. In most cases, I would recommend using Automatically import shipping information, as it is convenient.

If you select Manually set up shipping information, then you need to manually set the shipping size. Taking into account the moderation of all Merchant Centers for the Shopify platform, it is always recommended to leave automatic import of all delivery methods. Next.

Completing the initial setup of the Merchant Center

Be sure to leave Conversion tracking Turn off. We agree to the terms. Click Complete setup.

View the specified Merchant Center settings

What must be done next? What did you do? Let’s go to Settings and take a look. We created a Merchant Center and filled it with basic information.

Selected the country and language of the feed that will be uploaded. Set delivery settings, etc.

Setting Product Title

Next, be sure to select product title preference. I usually suggest choosing an SEO product title, because it is usually rich in information than the default product title. This must be considered individually in each individual case. We are talking about some kind of standard. Basic settings that are universal for everyone, then leave it.

Checking the stage of configured goals

Let’s move on. The task now is to check the Merchant Center and Google AdSense settings. Let’s start and finish the stage of checking the configured goals. To do this, you need to go to the Overview block.

Next, click the Get started button and here you need to either select an existing advertising account, access under the email under which the Google Channel plugin was connected to Google services. Or create a new one.

Well, let’s say now I’ll create a completely new one. It’s also cool that there is information. There will be a loan for $500, conditional. Why conditional? It is used quite interestingly in advertising accounts. Sometimes you spend $500 initially in one amount, and sometimes it’s simply spent in parallel with all current advertising expenses.

You have a created advertising account. We fix its identifier. It is important. Next, click Create campaign.

Initially, the Merchant Center that was created opens. You need to separately open a Google Ads advertising account that was created by the system. Follow the link by clicking on the account number. I have a Google Ads account. Initially, we make sure to check whether there are conversions in the advertising account, which automatically creates the Google Channel plugin. We check for the presence of the entire set and the correct settings for them. If you initially opened this block in a window, you can go to the conversion tracking block through the conversion control block. Or go to this left panel “Goals” – “Conversions”.

You can choose summary or settings. As you wish. Summary is the most versatile option. Next, click “View all actions.”

View goals created by the Google Channel plugin

I like this option better. Next, we must add more columns. So, “Attribution” is needed. Yes.

What do we see here? Initially, the plugin created this set of goals. Everything was done automatically by the plugin. Quite convenient on the Shopify platform. You don’t need to understand what Google Tag Manager is. What is the data level, how to edit the code. Everything was done by the Google Channel plugin. The only task is to check whether it is fixed correctly or not.

What do we see? Be sure to check that the goal called Google Shopping App Purchase is in the purchase section.

With optimization of “Basic” actions. Well, different things happen, you definitely can’t trust Google. Also check the attribution. Attribution, preferably, should have “Last click” on these goals.

Setting up goals created by the Google Channel plugin

What to do if one of the blocks is in the wrong place, conditionally? Go to this goal, “Change settings” and change one of the items. Well, let’s say, if Add to cart is included in the main action, then it needs to be transferred to a secondary one. I show it on Purchase, here it is listed as the main action.

Second, be sure to check the attribution model, it should be “Last Click”. Well, at the start, if the account is practically zero. If there is some kind of analytics on the collected conversions, you can leave the attribution model based on data so as not to bother. Do as instructed here.

Checking conversions on the site

The next task will only be to check on the site whether these conversions work or don’t work. How to check whether they work or not? The task is to open a website. There is my website. Next, go to one of the conversions, click “Tag Settings”, use Tag Manager and pay attention to this number, because there will be a bunch of everything on the site.

Not the first video I shoot, conditionally. Please note that the number is displayed as 4175.

There are labels. Let’s pay attention to them. Let’s start checking the goal with Add to cart, since, accordingly, you will make more purchases. The main thing is to check that there is Add to cart and Purchase. The two most basic goals, because they take part in bid optimization if we use Performance Max.

Checking conversion Add to cart

Expand Add to cart. Tag manager. 4175 and copy the label or fix it.

We go to the site, select a product card. Be sure to install this extension, it’s called Tag Assistant Legacy. I know that people will complain that the extension is no longer supported. I’ll show you another option how to do it. While you have it, you can use it, because it’s a little easier to check this entire commit than the second option that Google offers.

I clicked, rebooted, clicked “Enable”, rebooted. Next I check that the code is Global site tag 4175, 4175.

Next, be sure to click on the Add to cart button. Well, depending on what template. Like me, you have about the same thing. I am looking for inscriptions with the number 4175 that are called Google ads conversion tracking.

There are three of them installed, these are three different events. We are looking for Add to cart. How can you conveniently search for it? There are requests below, look through them. This is Page view. Let’s go further and select the second conversion tracking. Two requests. This is a View item. This is not what is needed. Third, select conversion tracking. I see 10, some amount of Value is already coming. I click Request and see what? Event add_to_cart. I come here – add_to_cart. Everything is fine. There is definitely a goal. The target is accurately recorded.

Checking purchase conversion

You do the same with Purchase. Now I will place my order completely on the website. You won’t see this, conditionally, with confidential data. So that they understand that the task will be completely successful. As I am now completely now, the final page “Thank you, conditionally, for ordering”, “Thank you, test”. Here I definitely open Tag Assistant and I am also looking for 4175 Google Ads Conversion Tracking. This is not suitable, since there is no value. The second Value is. I copy this label from here, I’m going to my Google Ads. Click Ctrl +F – Ctrl +V. 78 Q see? 770m. This is Add To Cart, a second. This is Add To Cart. And Purchase, if we come here now. This is our Purchase. The conversion recorded that it must be seen in it. It should have information, well, it is clear that our ID is our Google Ads, and a label. It must be necessary value, the amount of the order, our currency, which should be transferred. You can still come here to see what was else transmitted. There is TAX and there is shipping, conditionally.

checking conversions using the Tag Assistant Companion Tag Assistant Companion

The second option for checking this story is to use a different expansion called Tag Assistant Companion. I will give a link to him below. It opens in this form. It is necessary to add, add a domain in the window.

A terrible story opens. The task is on the site again, it has a TAG Assistant Connect icon. This is important.

How many calls and sales will I get by ordering contextual advertising from you?

I need to calculate the conversion of my website Describe
the task
in the application

Calculate potential ad revenue Google
contextual advertising calculator

Press the same Add To Cart, fully make Purchase. I will show on the Add To Cart. I’m going here now. There is a main page. There is Sleeve T Sjort. In the list of code, find your 4175. It was found your AW Tire there, to completely converge with what is. It ends at 4175. Then we look at the Hits Sent section and this block. See, it can be big.

What are we looking for? Be sure to look for Add To Cart. See, I chose this Add To Cart, press Conversion and what do I see? I see, now I’ll orient, I see my Conversion Value. Add To Cart has conveyed value, the amount of the product. More precisely, the income from this product is 10. Currency transmitted. There is also a label of conversion – directly. Well, in principle, this is basic what is especially necessary.

There is automatically a DATA team. What is Data? In order not to aggravate this whole picture, this is the filling: the commodity position, the cost of which I transferred. The same.

If now I’ll make my Check out completely, I will make my order, Complete Order. My page is loaded. See, thank you for your Purchase and the Purchase event will be. Do you see? Looking for Purchase where Hits Send will be. Be sure to specifically for this code. I remind you that I will have a lot more than you have. Don’t be alarmed. Looking for Purchase specifically to the tag.

We open Conversion. Then what are we looking for? Be sure to look for Transaction ID – this is an order ID. Conversion Value – order amount, Currency. The type of event is Purchase (purchase) and filling of a heading. There are events. Data, please. Item-ss that are transmitted. Everything is. Bazovo everything is configured.

It is ideal, of course, to have a large set of data, expanded for beautiful transmission. It is ideal for those situations when you need the most pumped setting. If you start. This is more for beginners who want to try to launch. This is enough with the head. Further optimization of codes, their finishing – this is certainly necessary to do, but this will be relevant if it thinks about this pumped up.

This means the stage of closing all the points related to conversions is completed. There are conversions that are enough to launch advertising smart Performance Max. Enough for starting work.

Results on setting conversions

One of the elements that are not pre -which is not pre -which is dynamic remarketing. The plugin does not solve this in this context, this will now miss. This is a separate work with the code.

If the Donetration of Dynamic Remarketing is relevant – write in the comments, I will shoot a separate video as it is implemented on the Shopify platform. If at least 10 comments are brought together, then exactly 100% will be shot video.

There are conversions. Starting advertising campaign will work. Everything related to optimization, upgrade, improvement of performance – this needs to be separately considered, but it is already concerned with feed, remarketing and installation of additional codes. We make a base for the start and go sales easily. With the setting of conversions was completed.

Stage for verification of moderation Merchant Center

It remains now to move on to the stage of verification of the moderation of the Merchant of the Center. Dachshunds, we return to Merchant Center. It is created. The service can also be called Merchant Center Next. Navigation will be almost identical to mine. Some nuances are possible, but the concept is the same. Want to return to the same interface, find in the Account Settings settings and “Delete Merchant Center” at the bottom.

as a user, not access as an Account Access, namely Account Settings. “Delete”. Press this button “remove” – the window jumps out, where it is written “delete, cancel or switch to the classic version of Merchant Center”. You can switch to the classic version of the Merchant Center since the Merchant Center Next, this is now the further version of the Merchant of the Center, is not entirely suitable for all such nuances, adjustment of adjustment and other things. In this video we do not consider this. Want the same interface – you can do the same. If not, see how the personal Shopify made. This Merchant Center made Shopify for me.

Checking a feed in the Merchant Center

Tax, then we must check whether the feed has been loaded already for the merchant of the center. Reloaded my Merchant Center. The Feeds section appeared. I’m watching. Written Content API. It is necessary. All the goods will immediately appear or with a certain delay. It may be in the type of data transmission called Content API.

What is the type of Content API FIDE and how differs from other possible FIDE generation options. Content API practically, simultaneously transfers information from the website of the goods to Merchant Center. Of course, an appeal to the site goes once every half an hour, maybe at 40 minutes. This is considered not super quickly by modern standards, but still faster than loading classic fids along the link, where the maximum update occurs only once a day without your participation. The perfect version of the feed.

Control over the process of checking the merchant center

Next, what do we do? Look, only the Merchant Center was created. This means that how to start the basic check of the Merchant of the Center. Pay attention to the fact that the check process has begun. Shoping ads is. Shoping ADS program, dynamic remarketing, Free Listing was immediately connected. If there are no programs, go to the Growth – Manage Programs section and initially you can turn on Shoping ADS and necessarily Dynamic Remarketing. Let all go together all together.

The test can drag on for three business days. This is a business day, not just a day. Initially, the robot will be checked. If the robot does not suit something on the site in the Account Issues section will show the error. Now they are simply massively blocking everyone for the reasons, for no reason, conditionally. Get ready. One of the largest sore points of most stores around the world. It does not depend on the race, religion. It does not depend on geography, locations. You can get into this lock without problems. You need to be prepared. You get – you need to go through all the stages, adjust the site. We can consider separately, if relevant – unsubscribe in the comments.

Usually, in 72 hours, go through the check and all three services, choose them separately, should be green as dynamic remarketing here.

free listing on the Pending Items section is located. The same information is checked in the Merchant Center or not checked can be found in the Google Channel Plugine. In this section. At the moment, nothing shows. As a result, you can always find information in it. Someone there is Pending (checked), not approved, approved. It can write the status, conditionally, the merchant of the center is blocked or not blocked.

Until the Schoping ADS service is completely checked, you cannot start this advertisement. To fix it, they understood. Without passing the check in the Merchant Center, unfortunately, it will not work to start quickly advertising. She said that this is the most, long moment at which you can make up when creating advertising campaigns. If everything is okay with the site, you look presented well, then you will pass the moderation quickly enough. You will be satisfied. We wait for a complete check of this situation with the Merchant Center. Without this check, it will not be possible to create an advertising campaign. With this, conditionally, they completed an important point.

Create advertising campaigns regarding Google Ads

Next. How can you create advertising campaigns directly relating to Google Ads? There are two ways to create campaigns. Now we will consider the creation of precisely Performance Max, smart campaigns. You can run them from scratch. You can not launch them after collecting analytics. They can be started from the very beginning, collect the same information from the site as other advertising campaigns. Already used artificial intelligence Google.

Creation of advertising campaigns with the Google Channel Plugin

How can I create? The fastest way for you is of course certainly creating it from the Google Channel plugin. Click Create Campaign.

We are initially transferred to the Setup Campaign section. There is such a set of settings. Through a similar set of settings, they would pass when creating a campaign. Why?

I always recommend the first trade campaigns to create from the Merchant of the Center. Firstly, you will not encounter any bugs, errors or others when you begin to create in the Google Ads interface. The second reason is that the speed of creating a campaign is really fast. You just need to go to the Marketing section – AD Campaigns. In the Merchant Center for Nekst, it is also just a separate section of AD Campaigns. Here Continue Setup transfers to the same block of information as here. It will simply be carried out through Add Products, because they are loaded for a long time, moderation is undergoing. The essence is about the same.

Why like a similar way to create campaigns? It does not require additional amendments to the object, now we will come to this, the creation of creatives, texts and others. This campaign with the head is enough to just start smart trade advertising campaigns in any country in the world without any problems.

How do we create them? There are several fields, there are only four of them. This is “Choose products by FIDE label.” This is one just feed. If you use several, then this is the current setup. You can skip it. You can filter up some products on Google ADS.

Next, be sure to select the correct Google account identifier, be sure. He must converge with that Google ADS account, with a number that you will see here at the right above the e-mail. It is important, since it happens that some different Google ADSs are confused, this information is being carried.

Next, we definitely set the Daily Budget. Starting Daily Budget for most niches – from, for example, 9 to 10 dollars on average. You can ask freely. You can set less depending on the country where you start. Usually 10 dollars are minimal, you go to the baseboard to just start to show. I put it, in my case, it is an equivalent of 400 hryvnias. Further – the name of the campaign. By the way, Google recommends a little more to put. You can use the recommendation or put the equivalent of $ 10.

NAME THIS CAMPAIGN – as you like. One of the recommendations is to prescribe the types of goods that will enter or some additional criteria for understanding what the goods are in the performance of Max. Why? There is only one heading. There may be 100 thousand, a thousand, 500. You will create different performances of Max for different categories or in different price ranges, or with some tasks of strategies of bets, it is advisable to correctly call the campaign. So that not just Performance Max 1, 2, 3. So it is not a logical structure that can be traced an account. You can even leave it like that. I press Create Campaign. I click Continue. The whole check passes there, this story with moderation is the Merchant of the Center.

Subsequent settings of the created campaign

If you have passed, we are doing everything – we reboot after pressing the Create Campaign account Google Ads. When the page was rebooted, in the Campaigns section there is already the name of the campaign, what they did, a given budget. What needs to be done next? Be sure to initially either suspend this campaign via Enabled/PAUSED, or you can leave it like that, but be sure to correct the settings in it. This is important.

Location settings

Press the pencil – Edit Campaign, go to the Settings section and what are the rule? Be sure to facing the locations, since it is automatically created from the Merchant of the Center for all countries and territories. There is a golden rule: if several countries where you want to target, place one country in one campaign. It will turn out more flexibility in the control over the result and distribution of the budget. Someone may just have a budget and not bring sales, and someone can bring sales, and you will not be able to scale the result. It is advisable to choose the right locations.

Languages settings

Further, languages, languages. Everything rests on several factors. First: the language in which customers speak, Customer or the base on the site. There are countries that they are not friends with English as France. There are, for example, certain segments of the audience. Suppose Latin American in the States may not know the English language. Brooklyn with a Russian -speaking audience, English does not know, live in a closed community, conditionally. Take the Netherlands, where English is almost the second native and there is no problem to start in two languages. Everything rests on those languages in which the audience speaks. If you need everything, conditionally – you can put All Languages, but I recommend choosing only those languages on which the potential audience speaks.

Settings by Automatically Creed Assets

There is also a setting, which I recommend that you remove, but, in principle, you can leave it. This is the Automatically Creed Assets section. There are two ticks: Text Assets and Final url. It is necessary, if you leave two points, exclude a certain URL from the site. What kind of urls? First of all, links to blogs, to Privacy Policy, to Shipping Policy, on Refund Policy, pages from which you do not want keywords to be collected. This section of settings is responsible for the type of advertising campaigns as dynamic search ads. Of course, some may be a complex mathematics or a complex chemistry. Mathematics, already forgot the Russian language, and possibly difficult something as a physicist, chemistry, conditionally, this type of campaign to soak keywords for search campaigns in advertising from different pages. If you leave, it is advisable to search for the pages. I prefer to turn them off for the first launch. I can add them later, I can create a duplicate of the campaign, in it to test this whole story in parallel. It doesn’t matter.

Setting Goals

We go further. Another important settings are necessarily Goals (“goals”). If the purpose of the purchase, be sure to select “Buying”. It is advisable to do it. Why? They must understand that the performance of Max uses artificial intelligence, which builds some models, forecast, by which it will find customers. There is a certain type of settings. If the store launches this campaign from the Merchant of the Center, then the goal of “buying”, respectively, you need to choose the purpose of the global on which we want the campaign to be oriented – purchases. So that everything is clearly correct in the settings.

Settings Bidding Strategy

Next, we go. Be sure to either the Bidding Strategy, which is, or reduce the budget. Well, in this case, if we start with a small advertising budget, our task is to edit our strategy. Initially, advertising campaigns are launched on the Maximize Conversion Value. To the maximum value of conversion. A good strategy, but there is a minus. As soon as you start to receive sales and begin to increase the advertising budget, because the scaling point is the budget, the profit will eat. The strategy does not focus on the payback. For a couple of dollars, income is higher than the consumption, Google will consider that Bidding StrateGy Very Successful performed it. Successful.

It is advisable to set a restriction in Target Roas. How to set her? There are several options for the strategy that you can use. The first option is when you ask, start with something small. If we start in the American/European market, there may be an option with 50% and then over time you will only increase this profitability. The second option is when you approximately focus on the weighted average values. Each country is different. Unfortunately, I can’t paint all Target Roas for every country. Somewhere it is possible to initially start with 150, somewhere with 200, and in others a 500% profitability is good. To understand this value, you will have to play with it to find the optimal ratio. In this case, I’m showing a variant of the strategy, where, conditionally, you don’t overpress your bids, despite the fact that you will participate in a solvent auction and show up for great requests.

You will control the final payback by limiting the budget. We start with a small amount. This is 400, let’s say, the equivalent, conditionally, of ten dollars. If I leave the States, it’s a good amount to start with. Remember, all bets can be adjusted, both the budget down and up, and profitability, respectively. We went through the basic important settings without which, in principle, there is no need to start this Performance Max.

Setting up Assets group

Next, what needs to be done. She said why you need to launch these campaigns from the Merchant Center – this is because of the section called Assets group. Usually, when we create Performance Max through the Google Ads interface, there is a long procedure for creating these Assets objects.

You need to specify pictures, texts, etc. In most accounts, at the time I was filming the video – November 10, not only in the States, they rolled out a full update for Assets when artificial intelligence is connected here. Google’s artificial intelligence, which is automatically based on the URL, simply enter the Final URL, and all fields are filled in and not for all advertising accounts.

It’s not hard to show how this story can be generated by AI. I’ll show you how to fill it out manually. If you created advertising campaigns here through the Google Ads interface, clicked Create Campaign – New Campaign, selected “Sales” (sales), the conversion was correct, Continue.

We chose Performance Max, Merchant Center, a name, and followed these long paths. There are 50. Let’s move on, geography, languages. These things were filmed. Let’s go further, even further. We would get to Assets. Without them, we would not have progressed further in creating the campaign. Here it allows, but it can give an error and not let you in. If he lets me in, great. Maybe he won’t let me in. They usually create a Merchant Center so as not to bother with the elements. Let’s go over them.

When to add them? Do you want to start with a strategy not of value, not of maximize conversion value, but with maximize conversion, a strategy of maximum conversions. In this case, it is advisable to add them. Or services or some type of advertising campaigns where there is lead generation rather than shopping through a shopping cart. Is it possible to add pictures, please. You can add, take from the restock (it is advisable to add your own), logos, videos. Add texts. Nothing is offered – the site is empty. Long headings, descriptions, texts in business. Be sure to add them. This is already a long stage, sometimes the interface is glitchy, it doesn’t complete these things, it gets confused. I suggest creating a campaign directly from the Merchant Center interface itself. Quite easy and fast. Ok, this remains in the projects and will not be active.

Setting up signals

An option for settings that you can focus on is signals. You’ve gone over the object and set it manually. More signals. What do signals mean? Conventionally, this is now an element of settings, which can give the campaign the next priority reference point for which audience to target. There are several sections.

Firstly, there are Search themes, these are search themes. The task is to set keywords by which products can be searched. This is a cool thing, it just came out of beta for all accounts. These are direct requests that will use artificial intelligence to predict the construction of a model, to search for an audience.

A few more sections. Your data. Your data is remarketing lists from Google analytics or uses the same dynamic remarketing. Another Interests & detailed demographics block. You can already search for anything using Life events. There is “Got a dog”, “Sold a house”, “Get married” and off we go, a set of different interests. More demographics. For the States, the “Household income” block is relevant. Only for the States. For a number of countries the story is irrelevant. Well, in short, there is a large block of settings that you can use to clarify for the system what the product is about and who to look for first.

Remember, the signal is a fuzzy limited audience for which Google will be shown. This is a landmark, but it will take a wide view. Do I need to set a signal initially? No, if the feed is quite well-composed, has a set of basic attributes, and is excellent for optimization – then you can launch Performance Max without specifying signals. Signals need to be indicated in the case when you have been scrolling through Performance Max for at least a week and can already see some nuances in Insights and reports.

They won’t load now. You need to take a look at the reports to see, in principle, what is happening with the advertising campaign. There will be a section on Search terms (search queries) and audiences. You will see, in principle, whether the Performance is directed there or not. Well, naturally, according to the statistics of auctions in search, in shopping, you will usually see, in principle, you compete in the auction where you wanted, competitors are there or not. It makes sense to set a signal. In principle, this campaign can be started without a signal. It will work well.

The need for high-quality feed layout

The only nuance is how well the feed is designed and laid out. How full of information it is, how good the title is in the product position, the name. You see, Description of item. How filled with all the attributes that exist. Everything needs to be filled out. All items must be filled out without any problems, of course. Google directly the request “Merchant Center feed specification” and go through all the attributes that may be suitable for product items. You fill them all out. How to fill it out? You will have to manually add to the feed using additional feeds. This is already a section on feed optimization in the Merchant Center.

Filling the Refunds block

Another important setting that I haven’t indicated yet, but is relevant, perhaps not for all stores, is that you must fill out the Refunds block (refund policy). For most stores, it needs to be filled out in Ukraine, not super important, but mandatory. But it is advisable to fill it out as it may be included in an advertisement.

Specifying Tax settings

Another important nuance – if you are launching in the States, be sure to set Tax settings. If you select Specify my own settings. Select all for the States should be selected automatically and saved. For the States it is a relevant story, for other countries it is not a relevant story. That’s all, in principle.


Goals have been set, there are goals. The merchant center was quickly created, the only task was to pass the verification. Advertising campaigns showed how to create, if necessary, you can adjust them, modify them, or others. Do some things with them. Now, if we see that the account cannot yet be displayed, since the products are undergoing review in the Merchant Center, it is advisable to take this into account. The advertising campaign has not yet filled.

And of course, don’t forget that you always need to create Billing information. You need to create information about payments, so that without this you won’t run advertising. There will be no expenses, no replenishment of the advertising account, and, accordingly, there will be zero impressions and clicks. Take this into account so you don’t just forget about it. The advertising account is replenished within Google Ads. An important nuance. Without it, you basically won’t be able to advertise. This is the final story. Google will remind you that payment information has not been added.

Okay, basically this is the entire basic set of things you need to know to run on Shopify Performance Max. Smart shopping advertising campaigns that Google praises and really work best on the market.

That’s all.

Яна Ляшенко
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Sergey Shevchenko Google Logist GoogleLogist
Google Ads 90 Days Package, will help make your advertising campaign not only profitable, but also increase sales from it