Setting up a Performance Max campaign for Horoshop

Performance Max настройка з 0 ХОРОШОП (з  Merchant Centre) частина 3 Google Shopping Performance MaxPerformance Max настройка з 0 ХОРОШОП (з Merchant Centre) частина 3 Google Shopping Performance Max

Hello everyone. My name is Yana Lyashenko and I am a Google logistics specialist. And in today’s video we will go through the process of setting up advertising campaigns on Hoshohop. What have we already done with you? We have set up goals with you and created a Merchant Center. It’s already moderated. Everything is wonderful. Everything about it is wonderful.

We have created an advertising account. I won’t show how we created an advertising account, because the main task there is to correctly enter your payment information. This is the only such nuance that you need to take into account. According to payment information, there are separate videos on the channel that relate to verifying the identity of the advertiser.

Other videos on setting up advertising on Horoshop
Настройка фида google merchant center на хорошоп 2023| 2 языковых версии фида Яна ЛяшенкоНастройка фида google merchant center на хорошоп 2023| 2 языковых версии фида Яна Ляшенко

Setting up and checking the connection between Google Ads and Merchant Center

So what do we have here? You need to open two services – Google Ads and, of course, Merchant Center. Check the connection between them. It is important. How do we check if they have a connection between them? Click the gear and go to “Linked Accounts” in Google Ads. You must check that you have at least one advertising account in the “Linking Status” “Active” in your block.

Please note that there are account names, IDs, statuses and actions. Here’s a challenge to check that the Google Ads Client ID you see here in the Linking Status, Active, matches the same Google Ads ID in your ad account. I have this identifier in the upper left because I log in through the Client Center. Your ID will always be at the top right.

Please take this into account above your email. What do we need if you have here… Let me remind you again, if you have nothing connected here, what will need to be done? You will definitely need to add access to your account to the email you use to log into Google Ads. Make sure that you always have the same email to log into all Google services – Google Ads, analytics, Merchant Center, perhaps the Search console, so that they are all under one email. It’s in the Accessibility and Security section. Also here “Account Access”, check. If you don’t have any mail there, access to your account should be provided only through the “Users” block. It is important. Through the block it is “users”. Not because of some other section or another.

You add this e-mail, for example, to the Merchant Center. You added it. After that, go to this email, this Gmail. You are looking for the letter “Accept the invitation to your Merchant Center account.”

If you provide access in the “Accessibility and Security” section to Google Ads in the mail under which you log into the Merchant Center, then do not forget to accept the appropriate invitation to access this mail through Google Ads. Well, that is, for you to understand why it is necessary, one email is important, even if you didn’t create everything under one email, add one email to all services and it will be great.

After this, be sure to go to “Linked Accounts”, this is mandatory. Click the “Link Account” button and enter your Google Ads ID. If he is here, for example. More extra. That is, you can copy your ten-digit code from Google Ads and paste it, and send a linking request if you don’t have a whole set of accounts here like I do. If you have a whole set of accounts, in theory it will appear, if you have the same email for access, then you will simply press the link button.

After this, we make sure to go to “Linked Accounts” in Google Ads and here we find our Merchant Center section. It will immediately appear in your Google Merchant Center and “Manage and Link” will appear. You will see a “Received” insert and here you need to accept the request.

It’s very simple. I would like to emphasize this again. Why? Because you need the same email to log into Google Ads, Merchant Center with one single task. We will do Performance Max or regular trading companies. In this case, Performance Max through the Merchant Center. Why is this so?

Since, firstly, it is immediately created for the purpose of “Sales”. Secondly, it’s a very easy creation in literally one second, well, maybe a minute. I went a little overboard with the seconds. And one more important nuance. This is that we will not need to specify any objects in Performance Max. Because your Performance Max has several settings sections. I’ll tell you what an object is now if you haven’t created this Performance Max yet.

Creating Performance Max via Merchant Center

So where do we start? We are all connected. Google Ads is available. All access is available. What are we doing? We go to our Google Merchant Center and look for the marketing section. In Merchant Center Next there will be an “Advertising Campaigns” section on the left side of the panel. So you won’t get lost. The principles are the same.

Find “Advertising campaigns”. And if you have the right connection, that is, you log in under the same email under which you can log into the Google Ads Merchant Center, you can roughly see something like this. That is, here you will have the opportunity to see campaigns that have already been created for you or, at a minimum, see the “New Campaign” button. Here we click “New this campaign.”

Included products field

Next. We can only fill in four fields here. “Included Products” They are selected here only by mark. When is a feed label even needed? When you create a PID in Merchant Center, you have the option to immediately set labels here. Here UA, UA, for example, was chosen. And it is possible to set RU for Russian.

Perhaps, if you are uploading individual categories, then call them separate variations. That is, this seller label, or rather the feed label, is not a seller label, but a feed label – it is quite arbitrary. If we planned to use all products in targeting and then separate them into separate attributes, then you can not change anything here, select certain feeds and, in the next stages, select the products you are interested in in Google Ads itself.

Selecting a Google Ads account

Select an account for Google Ads for this campaign. If you are logged into multiple Google Ads under the same email, carefully check your Google Ads ID. Let me remind you that it is located at the top right if you log into each advertising account separately, and not through the Client Center.

Indicating the average daily budget

Next. Please indicate your average budget. We can use Google’s recommendation for an account of 475 UAH. We can supply more. We can deliver less. I bet 1 rub. Why? Because we will create it now. While we are finalizing it, some part of the information will be visible to you. Let’s move on.

Specifying the campaign name

Please enter a name for this campaign. If you are such a systematic person who understands that this company will have a certain category of goods, then you can rename it to the name. If you have all the products, you can call it “All Products.”

Why do I recommend renaming these advertising campaigns in general? Because in this way it will be clearer to you what is sitting there. Because if you call campaign 1, campaign 2, campaign 3, sometimes when there are more of them, their number grows, you may forget where everything sits in some campaigns.

Therefore, it is better to call them at least the categories that you plan to launch there, leave them. Or you can add some other information. Someone there adds some target value for target ROAS. Someone there is adding options for targeting from an object, with a signal, and so on. This is your creativity, relatively speaking.

Working with a created campaign in Google Ads

Next we return to our Google Ads. We will definitely reload our Google Ads page. This is a must. And here we will now find our All Products company. Now I’ll show you where it is. Yes, we were in the “Linked Accounts” section. Here are all our campaigns and I already see here, for example, the advertising campaign “All Products”. Be sure to either pause it immediately or prepare for the fact that you need to quickly make changes.

Why do I recommend pausing? So that you can immediately launch it with a new structure, with the strategies you want. So what are we doing here? We suspended it either in this block or in the settings, please. Here you can delete it and do whatever you want with it.

Setting goals

Next. Be sure to leave it in targeting or in the entire goal, if you only have purchases or if you have a lot of goals, then select only “purchases”. Why is this necessary? In order for us to work correctly, it is Google’s artificial intelligence that Performance Max will use.

Specifying a location

The next thing we need to adjust is the location. Because it is automatically created from the Merchant Center for all countries. Choose the targeting where you will advertise. It’s different for everyone. Someone chooses everything except the occupied ones.

Whoever likes Ukraine, no one wants to bother with selecting regions. Someone is there for certain areas, regions where depending on the speed, guarantees or delivery that they do. Choose your geography where you want your advertising to appear.

Features of determining campaign languages

On the subject of languages. If we launch on the territory of Ukraine, then you can freely leave all languages and do not worry about selecting only Ukrainian, English and Russian. Why?

Since you already have part of the audience that constantly comes and leaves Ukraine. These are already people who use Polish and Romanian. Perhaps even, God, how Hungary it is, Hungary country. They already use different languages. Therefore, if you exclude them, on the one hand, it’s not super critical, but if you add them, there may be some additional sales.

How is the target language determined? It is not only taken from criteria, for example, your browser settings, language settings. Because in your Gmail profile you can set the language. It could be Ukrainian or English or Russian, or I don’t know which one you wanted to choose. And also based on search queries. That is, if, for example, I often enter queries in English, I will be very actively offered advertising in English, that is, targeting an English-speaking audience.

That is, if here you select only Russian, Ukrainian, then you take into account, for example, an audience that uses English for various reasons. These could be people who are learning a language or, for example, they enjoy using that language. Well, usually they teach us or it’s some kind of native stuff, then you lose this audience. Therefore, at least three. And it’s better for Ukraine to leave all languages and that’s it. This is the most versatile option. If you were launching, for example, in Poland, most likely, if you want Poles, then you only need to select Polish, English. If you launched, for example, in the Netherlands, then I would definitely recommend choosing their local language and English as an additional language.

If you have a website only, for example, in Norwegian, then there is no point, for example, it is possible to select an English-language one so as not to take into account some English-English-speaking segment that, for example, does not know Norwegian. Or, for example, if we needed only Ukrainian-Russian-speaking users in Poland, then here we would select only Russian, Ukrainian and set the geography, for example, Poland. This is just an example so you can understand.

Correction of the “Automatically created objects” section

The next thing you need to adjust. Look here you have “Automatically created objects”. What it is? This is our search. This is our dynamic search advertising. What are Dynamic Search Ads? This is an opportunity, firstly, to select keywords from your site. It can be like your feed, conditionally. That is, all your links to products, so it could be the site in general. That is, you take this into account.

DPO has two targeting formats, either for product URLs, or for everything it can find on the site. Therefore, if you want to leave the search for you, and in principle, then you can understand whether there is a convening for the search or not for the search. In general, first of all, I clean it all up. My recommendation is to start with this. Would you like to add.

Or you leave this block, be sure to exclude URLs that lead to blog pages or contacts. Sometimes there was such a story that even the client’s Privacy policy was indexed.

I’m not sure if this is right on Khoroshop, but just in case you have such a situation, then remove what you don’t need. Well, just take the URL and copy what you don’t need. Paste it in. Click Add. All. That is, there will be nothing complicated here. If so, why is it? Then you can further understand whether there are any empty clicks or not. If there are empty clicks, then you can completely remove these text objects.

I generally like to start without them at first, but this does not mean that this is super correct. I can add them later. Will search be completely 100% eliminated here? Well, about 95% is from practice, even 90% in some cases, but this is more abroad. There is little of this in Ukraine. In general, if you exclude this, you have full Performance Max for purely product ads.

This can be dynamic remarketing with some modifications. This could be some kind of conditional product listing on YouTube or Gmail, or in other channels. But this will be a direct product display without any empty pictures generated there, incomprehensible texts, etc. directly, it will display exactly a product card. This is the most beautiful advertisement that we can now, relatively speaking, create now.

Specifying URL parameters

Next. Be sure to check whether you need the UTM tags. They are inserted into this block. If you don’t need it, skip it.

Setting up the “Brand Exclusion” section

What is brand exclusion? Friends, excluding brands is if you don’t need to immediately show ads for certain queries. Well, for example, let’s take shoes as an example. I don’t know, well, maybe take the same Intertop or, for example, I don’t know, you can take Carlo Pozolini. It’s convenient for me to direct them, for example. Because they are there, if you google Carlo Pozolini or some brand, for example, Intertop, they are the first in SEO results.

Why would they, roughly speaking, somehow eat up the merchandise distribution? Perhaps there is no point in this if people are buzzing there “Buy Intertop shoes” or there, I don’t know, “Buy Tommy Hilfiger there” or whatever they are selling branded shoes there, Intertop, conditionally. Why should they waste these requests if people are already looking for them, conditionally. Provided that there are no competitors in the search results. If there are no competitors, then you can exclude the list of brands for which you do not want to be shown and forget about it temporarily.

Section “Biding”. Campaign Start Strategies

Next. This is the purpose of betting. Remember that right away this advertising campaign suggests launching on a strategy to increase the value of conversions. In performances you have two strategies. You either focus on conversion or on value.

Which is better to choose? But it doesn’t matter. Globally. This is a great strategy to start with to increase conversion value. The only criterion is what? Since the principles for setting this “Target Profitability” limit have changed somewhat in Google, that is, they no longer play the same role as they do, for example, in Smart Shopping, you will have to play a little with this profitability.

In what sense to play? You will have your own break-even points in profitability. I have separate videos, I think I’ll put a box here somewhere for profitability. How to calculate it? So you understand, this is your break-even point, it can either coincide with this target ROAS in the settings, or it can be too high to set in this campaign. That is, the easiest way is to increase this profitability over time than to raise it and then lower it.

What do I mean? Well, for example, conditionally, we definitely want our payback to be 1000%. This is our break-even point. 1000% is, roughly speaking, 10% we allocate for advertising. This means that here, in theory, it was necessary to put the same 1000%. But Google changed these principles.

In principle, it does not notify anyone about these changes, but it is very noticeable when you started earlier with high profitability and there were no problems with it, and then at very high profitability, for example, the performance may stand still and not be shown. Therefore, your task is to either start with the lower, at least 200%, or by 400% to lower this profitability of your target, or start, for example, with conditionally medium.

conditionally medium, looking better. Because you can sell like a clock, you can sell, I don’t know, medical equipment, nuts, children’s hats, coffee or something else, this commodity rests on the middle check that you will have in this advertising campaign. And rests, in principle, into your criteria for the margin that you are ready, a particle from this margin, give Google.

Therefore, I can say the average from/to, and you are already starting further or slightly increase it or reduce it. Well, conditionally, if our check was there, well, at least up to 1,500 UAH there, for example, from 300 to 1500 UAH, then you can freely start with 500 and even 600%. This is an average plus minus profitability for start.

If you have a little more check there, then you can try 400 – 500. But in principle, 500-600 for Ukraine is still an average profitability with which almost every advertising campaign can start. In what cases to lower it or increase it? Depending on how actively advertising expenses will go. Now let’s reach.

There is another of the strategy options when you want to understand, in principle, how profitable sales can you get from Google, provided that you do not comprise this bet, then you can go on the recommendation of Google itself. We set some minimum bet. They recommend 50, but it can be, for example, 70 or 80.

Who watched my Google marathon smart shopping, they remember that there we started with 70%. You can set 70, but then be sure to remember that you need a smaller budget. Eat. If we started with 500-600 UAH, most likely the starting advertising budget was somewhere in the area there $ 10-12. Well, conditionally, you can convert these amounts there. If we start with 70, then your budget should be much less. That is, it can be 80, 90. Well, maybe, for example, 120 UAH perhaps. Why are we doing this?

If you still have no analytics in an advertising account on behavior in an advertising account about your site, it is better to start from a more or less budget for a single purpose-we set at least some restriction in profitability to find Persistent, users with a certain payback. First.

Low profitability, it does not completely squeeze these rates, but you can start from 500-600 on most accounts. We start, there we can set 400, 500, 600 depending on the average check. We very rarely start from such situations. This is if we are just some kind of project where there are already generating advertising campaigns there, there are from 50-60 sales per day, then you can start some kind of things, categories or our structure, which we are pronouncing there with the client to make it so that we are there. Collect analytics faster. But conditionally, if you have a zero account, you only create this, you can do it for you.

But remember the small budget. Why a small budget? Understand such a story, Performance is that type of advertising campaigns that, in addition to using artificial intelligence, it can still walk around the sales funnel. There are people who are just starting to search for your heading.

There are people who buy something analogue at all, or you can sell your product nearby. And there are people who are directly buzzing to buy certain product products. All these criteria, the characteristics of Google can focus on them. And when we set a slightly smaller budget – profitability is always higher. Why?

Because he has no extra money for tests. Because it is 400 UAH? Well, let it, roughly speaking, $ 10. $ 10 for a country on a scale of Ukraine is quite a few. And he cannot use a significant part on conditionally any tests of targeting options.

As soon as we start increasing, there is the only problem for people who start, for example, to increase the value of conversion, until they grow to a particular budget, when the profitability is completely eaten, because there is no restriction. In our case, when we set the restrictions a little, we set a small budget. It can be much less.

We watch how this company starts, accordingly, according to further indicators, we make a decision. Or we increase this profitability in certain values that we can or simply increase the advertising budget.

Tax is basic. We ran through the settings. This is where you can start in principle without problems.

What are objects in an advertising campaign?

Next. What did I mean when I said that we are creating Performance, which would focus on the product issue as much as possible and why did we create in principle through the Merchant Center? Because we will not need to fill out this section, which is called “objects”. Objects – what is it?

Now, if we start creating a performance company, for example, from scratch here. Now I will show. Here is a plus – “Company” – “New Company”. There are “sales”. “Conversions”. “Maximum efficiency.” Merchant Center Performance. “Further”. There “start a new one.” We fill here here, for example.

I miss them so that there is not particularly focusing on this. There is the location of the tra-on-on. And so we again reach the group of information and will not let us go further without these objects filled. What are objects? This, conditionally, you need to add images, logos, videos, texts. Why, you ask why all this is needed?

In order for Google to be able to more actively use such types of advertising campaigns as search, I additionally did some creatives. He will still make a display out of them, some KMSK. He can still make a video of them, brake automatically.

If we want a more controlled performance. What is controlled – this means that if we do not convert it, then we change only one point from this, and not the objects we edit there in order to understand what is bad there or there was a good affected.

In general, in principle, there are most stores in which the addition of objects does not affect at all in any way. That they are, that they are not. So why spend resources at the beginning on the creation of some objects, bother over the pictures, you can’t add something in a row.

Moreover, if you launch one performance on all goods as you can, for example, stuff all auto parts in one picture, for example, whether all the nuts are possible, or I don’t know, or some kind of there, I don’t know if you are selling napkins or something like that. You can’t do everything directly.

You can, of course, be beaten into groups of objects, but your task is to start. The start can be started with one campaign. It’s easier for you to cope with budgets. This will be one small budget. You will immediately see the effectiveness. You will immediately see what converts, which does not convert. In short, it is fast, optimal, without different troubles.

Do I need to set signals?

Here everything is already based on how, in principle, your feed is adequate or inadequate in terms of optimization. I have separately in the marathon playlists in optimization, video, fida in Merchant Center. This is a more relevant story. Perhaps I will bring them to a separate playlist already so that they are. Check if everything is plus or minus ok. I have there formulas on the Titles, by Decarpes.

Everything is ok? Then you do not need to steam even at the expense of the signals. Because the signal task is a more additional criterion for narrowing of targeting than you can grab everything you need. That is, we have now created that you need to go in. Once, they pressed the button, indicated the budget, name of the company, rebooted, location, excluded the text, set profitability, budget. Everything, your company is already ready to include.

Indication of groups of goods for FID

If you only need to load certain goods here and you, for example, have one feed for all the goods that are good, then go to the “Information Groups” here and select your goods. By what criterion can they be taken away?

Yes, depending on what you had in the FIDE. This is a type of product, product ID, label, all that you, for example, had. Usually on good, if you have written the category there correctly, you will have the right types of goods like me here for auto garage, depreciation, hood springs, engines, engine, engine and left.

If we need only some kind of commodity assortment, then we can do so. Everything, in principle. If all products, then leave all the products. This, in principle, is the fastest option for creating the launch of Performance Max.

Is it necessary to first create a trade advertising campaign?

I answer the question whether it is necessary to create a regular trade advertising campaign, start with it, and then in Performance Max. In most cases, there is no difference. You need ordinary goods only in a few cases. The first, if you really do not convert Performance Max. It can be different reasons.

Starting from the product, ending just the situation there in the market and others. Or maybe the analyst is not the same, I did not go there. Then we usually launch the product, but hardly filter traffic. For what? To give statistics of the account on search traffic. Any automatic strategy, and Performance Max uses an automatic strategy, uses statistics on search traffic at the account level.

Well, or if you need to tightly control the price for a click. There are the majority of niches in which the price for a click is very high, for example, in the same air conditioners or something else.

The price per click is very high and then you need to control it manually. Then a regular product is really suitable for you. But this is the optimal start. Well, I don’t know, for 9 out of 10 stores. Here everything can be free even without analytics to start with Performance Max. This is now a doped advertising tool in which time, since, since we have set up. Then everything already proceeds from which analyst will receive an advertising account. That’s it.

This is, in principle, all you need to know in order to do what to configure the advertising campaign for good. That’s it.

Яна Ляшенко
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Sergey Shevchenko Google Logist GoogleLogist
Google Ads 90 Days Package, will help make your advertising campaign not only profitable, but also increase sales from it