Connecting dynamic remarketing on WooCommerce

Подключаем динамический ремаркетинг на WooCommerce WordPress

Hi everyone, my name is Yana Lyashenko, Googlelogist. In today’s video, let’s start implementing the following tasks for WordPress that are mandatory to run Google Shoping or Performance Max, whatever you want.

What will be addressed in this video?

The first place to start is with setting up goals. Goals – usually, setting up analytics with capturing everything users do on the site. Second – be sure to install dynamic remarketing on the site. For WordPress in this video we’ll make the mode free (free mode), we’ll use the most free tools. In this case, let’s try to implement the e-commerce setup of dynamic remarketing through the free Google Tag Manager plugin for WordPress by Thomas Geiger. You can replace it with something else if you want. I’m showing this free toolkit that works for everyone, practically uninterrupted.

The only nuance. Since it is a free thing in it is not optimized for all possible variations, events, situations. Since every site, you use WordPress or some other platform that can be changed somehow. If the site is heavy on loading speed, perhaps consider another option for this integration, implementation of the whole story.

Creating an account in Google Tag Manager

Now let’s see Google Tag Manager as an example. You need to install the plugin on WordPress. Next, you need to create a Google Tag Manager account. It’s not difficult to do, I’ll show you how it is created, you need to go to, create an account. Here is the name of the following character, you will not see it.

The only recommendation is to name your accounts with a brand name or a piece of a domain name, because people write various bullshit there and it’s hard to find it in the data array.

The name of the container must be “Web” and click “Create”.

You can reread what’s required. There are not too many options, either confirm and use, or do not confirm and do not use. Initially, the instructions popped up. If we go here to the “Tags” section, there is absolutely nothing.

I will show the most light method of customization, including from the plugin itself. Now I will show you what we will do.

Inserting Google Tag Manager in WooCommerce

You need to do for this – first of all copy this numeric letter designation – the tag manager ID code.

Next, we go back to the plugin. It is opened Google Tag Manager for WordPress options. In the General, in the block, be sure to insert the Google Tag Manager ID. Next, be sure to turn Container code On/Off to “On” to make it work.

Google Listings & Ads plugin settings for WooCommerce

Next, go to the Integration block, go to the WooCommerce block and set the following settings: first, “track e-commerce” must be checked. For the sake of what with all this fuss and without it nothing much will work. Now let’s go through the plugin settings, then I’ll tell you what we’ll come back to.

“Products per impression.” This is where the one is set. Standard 10 or 15 digit, whatever you want, with view_item_list on WordPress can be a problem. For view_item_list we’ll do a little custom chiropractic in the settings. It doesn’t matter what you put in here. It’s ideal to have five of them. You can leave more than that.

Next, you should definitely check the checkboxes at will, there are no super critical points here. Leave on “Customer data”, “Order data”. I almost always exclude income tax. If you want to count some marginal figures normal, I exclude shipping. Income should include but if we consider without shipping. This is not a particularly relevant story for Ukraine.

The next block of settings is for Google Ads dynamic remarketing. Make sure to set Google Ads Business Vertical to “Retail” if you have an online store. Everything else is for education, flights, hotels, for other activities. We’ll keep retail.

There is also a thing called gla_ in the “Product ID prefix”. Let me explain why it is set. I upload WooCommerce feeds with a free plugin called Google Listings & Ads. This plugin makes an ID like this.

See? There is a numeric value and gla_. For dynamic remarketing it is fundamentally important that the IDs in the feed converge with the IDs that are directly on the site that will be transmitted. Here, since I can’t remove this gla_ in the plugin, and accordingly the conversion rules for Content API for IDs don’t work here, as you can see. If you are smart, you will know. I add prefix manually. This thing is added as a separate item, I think it’s a common story when different plugins add some prefixes to IDs. You don’t ask why they do that. I don’t know. That’s it. Next, you must click “Save changes”. Remember that we have enabled the basic settings.

Where to read the official plugin instructions?

Next, go back to the “Integration” block, go here to WooCommerce and follow the Official Guide link.

I do not want to torture manually create a bunch of different variables to learn how to operate the Tag Manager. If an online store, it would be as simple as possible quick way to set everything up. If you need an extended manual, to show how variables are taken, etc. – write in comments, I’ll make a separate video. I think it is more interesting for specialists. What do I need to do? I definitely recommend reading this manual, it is as simple as possible.

Setting the analytics tag

What do we need to do here? Put Google Tag first. What is Google Tag? An identifier, or rather a tag of Google analytics should be put on the site. Choose Google Tag and here you need to insert Tag ID. Where to get Tag ID? Let’s splurge on different services right away. Go to Be sure to create a new account. I will not dwell in this video on the moment of creating Google analytics. The important thing in all of this is not the number of employees, not other things, but to set the correct name of the analytics. If you enter there, say, “Test for GA4” then if there are many accounts – you will not find the one that relates to it, because so far in the search for analytics by identifier it does not find, it finds only by name.

Next, go to the “Administrator” block, if you are not in the “Administrator”. Find the block called “Data streams”.

In this data stream, you tap here. You find the alpha-numeric designation. It’s J-M-966, and then it’s J-M-966.

I click the “Copy” button, go back to Google Tag Manager. Paste it in.

In “Triggering” you can do the same identical as this comrade asks. Here “Triggering” – “Initialization – All pages” is selected. So you can set it to “All pages”, but do as this guy asks.

Next, make sure you call the whole story. Save it.

Naturally, while we were talking, Google said that the data was out of date. Now let’s quickly repeat the whole procedure in an accelerated mode. ID. Triggering. Save.

Where to download a ready-made container for Google Tag Manager?

Next, let’s go back to the instructions.

You need to download a template. Don’t be frightened, it’s easy. Right-click in the empty space “Save as”, click “Save”.

That’s it, this thing pumps it out in the right format.

Downloading the downloaded Google Tag Manager container

Go back to Google Tag Manager, go to the “Administrator” section, click “Import container”, select “choose” container, “Open”. What’s next?

Select a new or existing workspace. Since the Tag Manager is completely empty, so we choose “Existing”. Our “Default workspace.” Next it offers to import, overwrite the whole container or merge. If you didn’t have Google Tag Manager before, you can freely leave “Overwrite” and that’s it. If there are some tags or something native, you can overwrite. You can rename conflicting some tags if there are duplicates or overwrite some things. I choose overwrite. As you can see, my container is completely empty, you can see it has created a bunch of stuff.

Basically the main block here is…. Why import? So that you don’t have to bother with creating all the variables, it’s a monkey’s job, thankless. You can just – it’s done in 2 seconds. Otherwise, you’d have to manually type them in. It’s not super complicated. “New.” You’d create it in the simplest way possible. “New”, where is the Data Layer Variable and it would be entered here.

Just some of it it’s simple, just ecommerce.transaction_id. And maybe something would be more complex, orderData.customer.billing.phone_hash. The complexity would be that Ctrl+C Ctrl+V would be done several times. And there’s 18 of them. That’s one complication.

Edit tag GA4 – Event

Next. I was wrong, I overwrote the container. I erased the Global Tag again. This video is being re-recorded for the umpteenth time. He created the tag “GA4 – Event.”

You have to fix this thing. You erase it, click on “Plus”, click on “Variable Configuration”. Look for such a block called “Constant”, insert the analytics identifier here.

Call it whatever you want, I’ll leave the number here. Next, the “Google tag found in this container” checkbox should be highlighted.

Checking Google Tag Manager results

You don’t have to change this whole thing. The only thing we’re gonna do. We’ll do it later. We save it like this. View_item_list is super big WordPress-ish. To clean up that whole analytics thing a bit – let’s do it correctly.

Next. I need my website. Copying, pasting. I press “Connect.” Next. On my site, of course the site will not see, choose some kind of product card. Go into it. One second. I’ll get off WordPress now for sure. Preview again. I go to some product card, click “Buy”. I can go to my cart. Anyway, before you place your order. We want to see some basic information. This was the home page, and this is here…..

Okay, one more time. There’s just some Google Tag Managers. Now, just a second. Publish. Hit Preview. There’s been an unexpected glitch. We’ll double-check it. It looks like the last time it didn’t save the changes. It kicked out and that’s why it crashed. I log out of my WordPress, click Preview, look for the product card. Found it. Our product card. There is a View_item, you see 1, 2, 3, 4-some View_item_list is there. It depends on the template. The information is duplicated. We just use one view_item_list.

What do we see? We see that in the “Tags” block, when hovering over the View item, it says that the tag that was previously created, it worked.

Naturally, with this setup, we won’t see much stuffing here. What do we do? Go back to our analytics, go to “Data Display”, the block called “DebugView” and wait for these events to drop down. They can fall right away, they can be 1-2 minutes late.

What do we do? Click View_item and check that there is Value, Currency, elements. Items, it is desirable to be completely similar to that viewed in the product card. Naturally, it is desirable to see if everything is correctly transferred as Item_ID. There is Quantity, so on and on it goes. These View_item_list, you see, they don’t have Value as a parameter anymore. See, I’m clicking, although Currency is there. And there are different goods in the elements.

Where do the view_item_listings come from? From the view of some set of products. This View_item_list isn’t particularly fundamental. What shall we do? We’ll tweak the triggers a little bit to make them more elegant.

Next. Be sure to click “Buy”. It is important that add_to_cart appears. It’s there. I’m looking at the same thing in the fourth analytics, closing that thing. I’m waiting for add_to_cart to appear, because it automatically drops here. See, a little late. Make sure you have Value, Currency, items. The item that you added. It is desirable to do the same story with several items.

Correcting the display of multiple View_item_list

What do we do now before we make a test order? Make sure we go into GA4. We can go into triggers here and remove View_item_list from the list.

Let’s duplicate this tag for View_item_list. You only need one View_item_list, you don’t need a lot. We leave it all the same. Delete this thing. Go in. Click the “Trigger configuration” plus sign, scroll down. Select Custom Event, paste here our thing that we copied. Click “Save.”

Also here go to “Advanced Settings” and select “Once per page”.

Re-checking results after customizing View_item_list

Now we’re going to do another full test of all the tags. This is just analytics, Google analytics. What needs to be done? Naturally, it is desirable to make a fully test order. Remember what product added to the cart, “Buy”, go to the cart our necessarily remove some product position. Next. There’s something left for 99 hryvnias. Conduct a test order necessarily. Payment by card, I read, “Confirm.” She forgot to fill something out. I forgot the address. The address is Kiev. “Confirm.” There’s the final page.

Next is obligatory, look, it is desirable to see what? Remember, here further view_cart, this is the cart. There is Remove_from_cart (removing it from the cart). There are several Begin_checkout. You can see they are duplicated, so we’ll have to make them the same as Add_shipping_info. Shipping info is not duplicated. Begin_checkout is duplicated and Purchase.

Go back to the fourth analytics, close this entire history. See what’s duplicated, what’s not duplicated. What do we see?

View_cart is not duplicated. Super, great! We can take a look, it was 2000 here. View_cart. Remove_from_cart that was removed. 2000. Remember, the toy was removed.

There are two Begin_checkouts for 100 hryvnias. With Begin_checkout let’s do the same thing we did with View_item_list. It’s not super complicated. You have to, you see, double-check all the information. Value – 99, Shipping_info, Add_payment_info.

What I don’t like here is that somewhere the number is rounded up to a hundred, somewhere 99. That’s the site transmitting the data. We remember, we are trying to do everything cheaply, that’s why we get such a picture, a little bit somewhere not super-accurate figures. Add_payment_info and, of course, Purchase.

Purchase is the most important. In it, be sure to check – currency, correct, incorrect, Shipping is transferred, taxes, Transaction_ID. Double-check that the product ID corresponds to Transaction_ID to what we see Transaction_ID to order numbers. So that nothing gets mixed up. It is important to revise the Value so that it approximates what it is. There is 100, since 100 is being passed here. That’s what the data layer does. We’re not going to change that number here.

Be sure to double-check that the IDs are all nice and correct. So that no part of the information is missing anywhere. You see, everything is beautifully designed. For the fourth analytics, everything is coming along quite nicely. The tidbit is what they’ve done. Everything is super, well done for the fourth analytics.

Eliminating Begin_checkout duplication

We just need to tweak Begin_checkout. Look, I emphasize on this, something to tweak from the point of view that if someone will duplicate a completely different version of events. Someone will have View_item duplicated, someone else will have something else duplicated. So you don’t want to leave it somehow in this account, you want to fix it.

Begin_checkout is duplicated, so what do we do? That’s right – Begin_checkout is removed from here.

We duplicate the tag and call it Begin_checkout, of course. Analytics would be useful, so I prefer that all events are recorded correctly. That’s out. Click Triggering. Create Custom Event. All other events are not duplicated.

Now, in principle, we have finished setting up the fourth analytics. Almost everything is ready for the goals.

Dynamic remarketing settings

But I want to finish dynamic remarketing. For what? If we are already talking about Performance Max, about its full functionality. All the necessary information for Performance Max, for its artificial intelligence and machine learning, it is desirable to customize it. Which we’re going to do now. It’s not super complicated. All you need to do is put a Google Tag on everything already, as far as Google Ads are concerned.

Where to get it? You need to go directly to your Google Ads account, go to the “Tools” block. Next you need to select “Shared Library”, select “Audience Manager”. Be sure to go to the “Your Data Sources” block. This is the “Your Data Sources.” Google Ads tag. It’s already activated. Probably something like “Customize” or some other button.

I click here just “Details,” “Customize Tag.” I make sure I go to the “Use Google Tag Manager” box.

I copy the digital thingy that I have.

Next, I make sure to select All pages. I call it “Google Ads – ID” and now I need to customize dynamic remarketing, what do I do for this?

I click on “Tag Configuration”, choose Google Ads necessarily, choose the same “Google Ads Remarketing”.

It asks me to create this “Conversion linker”.

I’ve clicked through everything as it is. You don’t need to change anything.

I duplicate the Conversion ID I took in the previous step. I select “Sent dynamic remarketing event data”. Next. Remember when we created a bunch of different events? What are we doing?

We can do roughly the same story we did for the fourth analytics. Here we’ll take “Event,” “Event value.” Let’s take “Ecommerce value.” Let’s check it out. Be sure to check the big picture. “Ecommerce items” we’ll take. See, there’s Google_business_vertical “Retail”. There’s an ID label. Let’s take Ecommerce Items. Now let’s check if everything is taken correctly. If there are any nuances, details, we will redo it all manually.

Next, choose “Triggering”. You can take the same principle – “Ecommerce events” that we had. There’s “Google Ads rem – events.” Save and now we’ll double-check everything and duplicate to the same duplicate events we need.

Validation of transmitted dynamic remarketing data

What is needed for dynamic remarketing? You need View_item to pass the view of the product card. To pass Add_to_cart. It is desirable that Purchase and View_item_list are passed. What are we looking at?

Okay, it’s crashing again… Now we’re going to go to some kind of product card. It’s something with WordPress. It’s drawing that it doesn’t exist. But how can it not be, if it was in the previous stages. I like it a lot. You gotta think positive. Right? That’s the magic of WordPress. It’s already working now.

What do we do? Go to Variables, make sure you check it. Remember, in remarketing we pulled the event so that it would just be fixed. Event “Ecommerce value” and “Ecommerce items” are there. The event is already undefined for some reason, even though the event is there. I love this whole story. Check. So, View_item. If we go in here there’s a dataset if you see. Identifier, Value, “Event Element” with different IDs and so on.

This is how the plugin developer recommends to do this integration. I propose to reformat it a bit to make it more controllable. There is no point in duplicating all these different things.

What do we do? We redo the tag. Remove “Send dynamic remarketing event data”. We’ll set the parameters manually.

Need what? You need an Event. Need to pass the product ID. We need to set “google_bussines_vertical”, it will be the same. Now let’s set Event. We’ll take Event as a constant. And we’ll have to create an ID number, we’ll have to create a variable. “” Now let’s do it, only there are all the Ecommerce events that we need.

Checking the results of the settings

We see the event, what do we see? View_cart is there, ID “gla_” and “google_bussines_vertical”. The only thing, now this comrade is swearing that User consent mode. There’s a problem with that. We may be getting to that now. What do we see? “,” this one with “gla_.”

Be sure to still go to the same Merchant Center and try to find the item id on the spot. Yeah, it’s great when it matches. Just what we need.

Passed ID, “event”, “google_bussines_vertical”. That’s the basic information you need. You can add what you want Value, stuff like that. It’s a fundamental thing for Google.

View_item_list duplication correction

Remember View_item_list was duplicated, we need to tweak it a bit.

If we don’t redo everything, it will continue to be duplicated, for this we go to “Ecommerce Events”. “View_item”, “Purchase” is not here.

“View_item_list” is mandatory, “Purchase” is mandatory. The others are basically like they did for “Begin_checkout”, they are not really crucial for remarketing.

Regarding Consent mod. Don’t need any for this mate, for this client. Do not enter the US zone. “Initialization”.

Tag triggering recheck, refinement

Double-checking the triggering of the tag. “View_item”. “View_item_list”, this thing triggers. It needs to be fixed now so that it doesn’t trigger several times. “To cart”, view_cart. One. The main thing is to have “add_to_cart”. “View_cart” is passed, as you remember. “View_item_list”. These mates are triggered since there is a “View_item”. We’ll have to redesign the Trigger.

We’ll remove “View_item” from here and make a separate block for “View_item”.

As they say, it’s cheap and easy. Let’s double-check. “View_item” one, “view_item_list” one, no repeats. That’s what we wanted. It’s ideal to do a full “Purchase” to make sure that everything is transferred correctly, everything is correct, all the IDs, all the right IDs, all the right identifiers and stuff like that, that everything is captured correctly. That’s a straight up perfect picture of what Google is asking for. Okay, it stopped swearing.

Bottom line. What else needs to be done in the long term

All that’s left to do is Tag Purchase, Tag Conversion, but I’m planning a separate video so that it doesn’t get confused along with all of that. This is the base that is 100% needed to run ads and for Performance Max, if we want to run Performance Max, to work correctly enough.


Configuring dynamic remarketing

What you need to set up dynamic remarketing. Go back to your Google Ads account, go to Tools, go to Share Library, select Audience Manager. Then go to the “Your Data” block. Here there will be a block of various settings. What do we do? Find the Google Ads tag, click “Set up”.

Choose “Collect people’s data on the base and show personalized ads”. Be sure to select Retail, after all, this is an online store.

This thing is only needed for California, Colorado, respectively the US. You can set it, you can unset it. The checkbox will not be active here. Click Save and Continue. Continue.

Select Tag Manager. There will only be a Conversion ID. What do you need to do to set up dynamic remarketing?

Not a super complicated story either. Let’s go back to Google Tag Manager. Click “New”, select “Tag Configuration”, select Google Ads, select “Google Ads remarketing”.

Here we insert Conversion ID from the previous step. Label is no longer needed. We can choose the settings: choose dynamic, so that everything is taken from the data level or set manually (Manual).

I will show you how to do it dynamically. What do we do? Choose the event. Events can be taken ready-made, the variable {{Event}}. Next is Event value. To understand where value is taken from – you just need to take the Data layer, look at the final piece of code and purchase, in the same View_item, View_item_list was, Ecommerce value, between them there are no additional parameters. Can we do what? Event value – Ecommerce value to select.

Event items – A variable that deals with collecting parameters such as google_bussines_vertical along with product IDs. You need a product ID and a “business vertical”. Thanks to Thomas Geger GTM for WordPress has created the entire data set ready, so all we’ll do is select Ecommerce Items and now we’ll start checking the entire data set, of course.

Next, make sure to go down to Advanced settings. Be sure to choose here whether you need Consent mod or not. If we are talking about Ukraine or the States – they are not included in this block, so Consent mod is not needed here, except for the states we talked about in the previous step when we created the code. I am making a universal video, so I am showing a universal story.

Selecting triggers

Choosing triggers. Triggers can be selected in different ways. You can select all the events that you have. If you go over here and look at them, there’s a huge set of different data.

If you start handing them all over to Google, no big deal. He, in principle, requires only a set of five mandatory events:

– View_item (view product card)

– View_item_list (view listing)

– Add_to_cart

– View_search_result

– Purchase

Only five events.

If you are worried about whether everything is transmitted correctly, click the plus sign, select the trigger configuration, Custom Label.

Tap here, select what doesn’t automatically drop down. Do we want View_item? Then Select_item is not needed. Add_to_cart is fine. Remove_from_cart is not needed. View_cart – not needed. Begin_checkout – not needed. This is not needed. Also View_item, Purchase. We need View_item_list, for this we need View_item_search_result and View_item_list. For the listing, we can use the site navigate to some section of the catalog. Let’s say I want to go to Unisex.

I go here, find the View_item_list event, copy it from here. Paste it. There’s another vertical slash.

Search_result would be nice. I’m going to write some abracadabra. There will definitely be a view_search_result. It hasn’t reopened. We’ll save it all now. We’ll add more to the events, since it was logged out of this site, anyway. Or we can leave the same set of events, which was for comrade Ecommerce.

What do we do next? We keep the story, we call it “Remarketing.”

Checking the correctness of data transmission

Now let’s recheck everything again, as it is important that everything was transferred correctly and plus correct the events that are needed. There is a catalog, product card, Add to cart. There is some kind of Search_result. There’s necessarily Purchase, which we’re about to do. “Go to registration.” Go through all the steps, “To pay.” I’ve read everything. Confirmed.

Now let’s check the whole set of events that we have. First, we click on Summary, we see that 14 times remarketing was triggered. We see that five times on View_item_list, there’s more, more…. Now we’ll fix the events.

Which ones are important in principle? View_item_list, so that a data set is passed. What is there? A lot of different data will be shown. There’s definitely ID and google_bussines_vertical in those parameters. What is super important.

Next, it is mandatory that the view_item is passed. If we go in again there is an ID and google_bussines_vertical. Everything will fit Google Ads remarketing.

Same need to check that same story is passed to add_to_cart. Add_to_cart passed a lot of products. The same should be true for comrade Purchase. What’s in here? You see, one Purchase. Naturally, we will now double-check, correct all events.

Correcting the correctness of data transmission

What do we do now? Let’s make beautiful events specifically for dynamic remarketing. Open, edit. What we did to save Custom Event-y. View_item. Add_to_cart. Purchase, View_item_list. That leaves View_search_result, it didn’t make it. That’s okay. Site Search. Got everything. All the plugin did. View_search_result, vertical slash again. All that’s left is Purchase. No. There’s Purchase. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, everything. All the events are there. We could call it “Events – rem”. “Save.”

Close it. Pick it. Where’s remarketing? Save, reload. The only thing I would recommend to do is to correct this thing. In the saved “Once per page” so that View_item_list and others are fixed less. It is better to pass less data than more.

Rechecking the correctness of data transmission

Now we’re going to do a story like this. Let’s click “Preview.” We’ll select some product card again. Let’s go to Preview Mode. “Add to Cart,” Search_result.

Already back. Catalog, Shopping Cart. Be sure to check the checkout. “Go to registration”, check it all out. Summary. What’s in Summary? Something didn’t apply here. Just a second. I forgot to tell you, you have to check the “Use regex matching” box. Which means when I’m writing a long video.

Making previews. To be faster – Add to cart, Catalog, Search_result, Shopping cart, checkout. Got it. Let’s go over here and take a look. There’s remarketing. See – it’s already worked less.

Setting up a separate Add_to_cart transfer

Only add_to_cart is missing, now add_to_cart will check. Something’s not in add_to_cart. These things happen. Add_to_cart didn’t work for some reason. Let’s go to Events. Add_to_cart is set correctly.

Insurance. Add_to_cart let’s take away from here and make a duplicate, but only on add_to_cart. Open Tag, click “Copy”. That’s right, there are different situations. Be sure to set add_to_cart. Remove the tag, create a new one. Learn to edit everything well. Add_to_cart. Saving.

I’m gonna reload this page. Maybe Google’s interface is jammed. Click Preview.

Look, Summary. It worked once. Wonderful! The listing doesn’t need what’s at the bottom. People may or may not have looked at it. Be sure to check add_to_cart. Got it, it worked.

The only thing is, there’s a lot of stuff. Why 4010, 4004, 4023? Let’s see. It’ll crash if we don’t log out of the admin area. Don’t ask why it works this way for Google, but it works this way for Google. It’s not a problem with WordPress itself, it’s a problem with Google.

“Connect and now let’s see. Adding to cart, listing, searching, now checkout. Let’s see. Let’s go here. View_item is there worked, everything is super, same position as viewed. View_item_list, but selected only once and add_to_cart worked. Great! A lot of events still go to add_to_cart. Friends, I checked – everything goes to analytics correctly.

Only in the Tag Manager is this the case. I want to give you a simpler manual. When a lot of goods leave – let’s do a little differently, aitems for the whole history. In add_to_cart let’s make a few changes, there is a story like this.

New variable – Layer. Let’s take cartContent.items. Maybe just a glitch, already tired of Google. Since already logged out from OpenCart, keeps doing the same story. Let’s do the same with the sum (value). You see, value counts correctly, fluffs four positions, but I’m doing online mode, there will be a manual on how to fix it. Check the same thing – if the sum of value is different, here it is 855.

It basically corresponds to the sum of the given item that I added. You don’t need to change the value. If it doesn’t match, take cartContent and total. That’s it. And in the end – the problem is solved.

Checking and editing View_item tags

Then with a similar emphasis, be sure to check the tags on View_item. One position. Great! View_item_list, you can pass more if you want. View_item_list, so that it triggers once. View_item again. We’ll do View_item_list separately. What do I see? It’s not working. To make everything beautiful, perfect. Copy. It is obligatory to “view item list”. It is obligatory to select “Once per event”. Here we must select “View_item_list”.

There’s “Save”. In this story we will remove View_item_list. Got it. Here we go again.

Google doesn’t want to work with me today. Let’s make it work. We need a name. Here it is. Adding an item to cart, Catalog, search history. Now we’re checking it out, let’s see.

View_item, remarketing worked – one position. View_item_list worked. The one that is passed, great! Add_to_cart worked, one item 855. Super, that’s great! Next, that was the listing. Right? There’s a Site Search event hidden somewhere. Site Search has been triggered. No data is being transferred.

Edit and validate the Site Search event

We’ll fix Site Search now. We need to go through cartContent. See? Sometimes you have to make a few more adjustments to make it perfect. What’s in here? Event “view_search_result”. If you need such a container completely – write me, I’ll drop it. Search_result, the event should be View_search_result, right. Everything is saved.

We need to take items or value in a completely different way. Now let’s see what variables are passed. Value, in principle, does not have to be passed, but let’s see how to pass it. Let’s take new variables. Value is removed from here. Press the plus sign. “Create a new variable”. cartContent. That’s what we want to take. Okay, totals.

We’re going to do the same thing for Items. “New variable.” I think there was already a cartContent, right? Was there already a variable? Let’s call cartContent.items. “Save.

Once again preview, add to cart, catalog, search_result, the longest, relatively, long steps. But everything needs to be tested to make sure that everything works as it should. Go here, Summary.

Search_result once. View_item_list – five times, that’s for sure. Add_to_cart was one. Ads remarketing worked six times, we’ll fix it now, as we don’t need a large number of events anymore. And purchase. I hope there’s a purchase? I do. Position Event Value. One item, but need multiple items to be passed.

Ecommerce Items, just one item. Let’s see what’s in the analytics. We bought one item, four of them. I beg your pardon. That’s right – four pieces, just one item. Everything worked correctly. Just what?

Editing remarketing

Remarketing, what needs to be fixed? Add_to_cart no, view_search_result is removed. There will be view_item and purchase.

There are five events. View_item, purchase, add_to_cart, view_item_list and search_result. All super done.

Summarizing – what’s set up

Once again, you can check this story – whether it works or not. In fact, dynamic remarketing is now set up. Now in Google advertising the bottom line is what? There’s a collection, you see, already lists are created, listings, they’ll load automatically. All the information is about to be created. See, it’s already there. I’m not sure if the original data sources already show any information. See, there’s no information. In fact, remarketing will start to be fixed already.

As a result, there is a fourth analytics. There is a separately customized Buy Tag, conversion. There is separately dynamic remarketing.

Only one story is incomplete – linking additionally Google Ads with Merchant Center. It is necessary to link Google analytics with Google Ads, so that all services are connected. I think that will be included in the video that is dedicated, directly, already to the customization of Performance Max itself. To double-check, but we’ll finalize it again now.

Linking Google Ads with Merchant Center

What do I need to link Merchant Center? You need to go to the Data manager Merchant Center Google Ads.

It’s mandatory here, if there’s a bind, if there’s a request coming in. The wrong Merchant Center is linked. It’s unlinked. We press the plus sign and choose the right one. It’s “Parfum.” “Submit.”

“New campaign.” We are not going to make a campaign anymore. Go to Data manager, check the correctness of the Merchant Center. The domain is correct.

Going back to Merchant Center, possible ad campaign in another source, right? I’m going into diagnostics. It says that Google ads account is not connected. I’m looking for “Linked accounts”.

I find Google Ads, I see that it matches the number, 0954 to what it is. The error will go away soon.

I see in the diagnostics that the goods started loading, they went to check.

Linking analytics with Google Ads

Now you still need to connect analytics with Google Ads. Why do that? So that all the services are in between. I go to the “Administrator” section, go here to “Link to Google Ads”, “To tie”.

This is where I choose Google Ads. It’s the only one. This is if you don’t have Google Ads, check that in administrative accesses there are mail in Merchant Center, in Google Ads and in analytics. Confirm everything further. “Enable auto-tagging” is fine. “Further”. “Save.” You can redo this later.

Configuring Conversion Transmission

Another setting that remains for conversions is to go to Conversions, in Settings. Since Google Tag Manager was used to set up the transfer of all conversions here, select Google Tag Manager. Save.

Summary. Announcement of the next video

Bottom line. Target? Target is set. Great. You have dynamic remarketing? It is and it’s set up. Is Merchant Center linked to Google Ads? Related. Is Google analytics linked to Google Ads? There is a tie-in. It’s perfect. It’s practically a base. You just need to wait for the Merchant Center to be verified before you can create advertising campaigns. That’s already in the next video block.

Яна Ляшенко
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Google Ads 90 Days Package, will help make your advertising campaign not only profitable, but also increase sales from it