Full instructions: connecting Performance Max to PrestaShop

Подключаем Performance Max на PrestaShop Performance Max
PrestaShop Performance Max і Google Shopping Налаштування. Покрокова Інструкція 2024 ч.3/3PrestaShop Performance Max і Google Shopping Налаштування. Покрокова Інструкція 2024 ч.3/3

Let me remind you that in the previous videos we have set up the Merchant Center for PrestaShop. We have set up analytics, advanced conversion tracking for PrestaShop, and now we can start creating Performance Max ads. In case you haven’t seen the previous video, I’d like to remind you that the easiest way to create a Google Ads campaign is to go to your Merchant Center, find the Ad campaigns block, scroll here, and create a new campaign.

Creating a new Performance Max campaign

I suggest you create this new campaign now. We will change the starting budget now. I’m going to call it a certain way now – PMAX-test-Presta. We create a campaign.

After that, we return to our Google Ads. We remember how we created Google Ads. I recommend watching the previous video. Let’s reload this page. And now we’re going to edit the second campaign we just created. Here it is – PMAX-test-Presta. We have suspended the previous one. You can delete it completely if you want.

Edit campaign settings

What do we need to do here? Be sure to edit the settings of this campaign. What are we going to edit? First, be sure to select a goal at the campaign level, because without it, it won’t work, it won’t be recorded.

Next, be sure to correct the Locations. Because it is launched for all countries at once. So I recommend you to find a country that would suit you. Target is a must.

After that, in terms of languages, it’s a matter of what language your customers will speak. I’m sticking with English.

Next. In the first weeks, I exclude this block. These are dynamic search ads. I don’t need them right now.

The budget is still there, as well as the bidding strategy. You can start with two strategies – either maximum value, or you can start with the maximum number of conversions.

Which strategy to choose first

Which strategy should you choose first? It all depends on your preferences. If you have a very small starting advertising budget, I recommend that you start directly with the maximum conversion strategy. Why? Because it’s the easiest strategy to work with, it requires a small startup budget, and you’ll collect the first analytics before you move on to another Conversion value strategy. Why this way?

Because some people may not do well in Conversion value. Why is it necessary to switch from maximum conversion to Conversion value over time? Because this strategy allows you to scale, unlike maximum conversions. It’s up to you to decide which strategy to start with. I usually start with this strategy.

Setting a ROAS target

We also set a Target ROAS. Depending on the country, there is an average value for the starting ROAS that you need to use. If we take the United States, it can be 200-300% even. If we take a European country, it can start at 150% profitability. If you suddenly set a profitability and you get very few first clicks, it only means that you set a very high profitability. You need to lower it.

One of the proven ways to start Conversion value is when you set the ROAS to be very, very low. It can be 50, 70, or 80%. And then you will raise it weekly over time. The percentage of raising should not be too high, no more than 30%. Because if we exceed 30%, the discrepancy in terms of facts is quite high. So this is my recommendation.

Features of determining the budget

About the budget. The budget is also your decision. But I recommend starting with fairly low budgets in the first place. Maybe it will depend on, of course, the coverage that you want. It can be the equivalent of 15-20 dollars at most. You can do less in the first weeks and then start to gradually increase it. I have a different currency here, but it is approximately the equivalent of 10 dollars.

Passing moderation in the Merchant Center

So, so, I promised you that this would be the shortest video of all, what else do we need to do? We created an advertising campaign. We have uploaded it. We are still waiting for the moderation in the Merchant Center. It will always quarrel like that. That’s why I recommend waiting for Google Ads to go through moderation.

So with Merchant Center, when we create an ad campaign, it’s completely the main element, and there are no signals or objects. And this is my recommendation for creating such first campaigns.

When to edit signals in a campaign?

What do you need? Next, you can edit the signal before making Assets. Why do this? Because in some cases, performances may show only Assets and not show you the product issue. In order to avoid this, we create a view like this. Then, in a week or two, you can upgrade it. But this is a topic for another video. If you are wondering what you need to do in the first two weeks with your performance to make it start to generate sales that are profitable enough, write to me.

Checking the products to be included

Also carefully check which products you will include. Because all products are automatically added here. Since we have not yet checked all the products in the Merchant Center, I have a message that there are no products here. However, if you need to add only certain product items to your ad, you can select them either by Item ID or by other attributes that you added to your own feed beforehand. That’s it. That’s all you need to create your first Performance Marketing campaign.

Let’s recap. What you need to make Performance Max work

Once again, if we summarize it all, in order for Performance Max to work, you need what? Create a set of accounts from Google. These are Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Merchant Center. In Merchant Center, we upload our products, confirm the rights to our website, fill in the entire block with information, and wait for the verification to take place. The verification takes about three business days. After that, we usually set goals.

This is the fourth analytics we set. That’s one. Secondly, we make sure to set up advanced conversion tracking, which we have done with you. It would be ideal to add dynamic remarketing. But I don’t want to make this video too long. Therefore, if you need this video, write to me and I will tell you how to do it directly on PrestaShop.

Next, we create our first feeds from the Merchant Center. They are usually called Feed Only in this style. This will be enough for you for the first two weeks to understand what kind of traffic you are getting, how good the feed is. Because in these types of campaigns, your feed is the main targeting method. So make sure that your product cards are filled with information to make your site look presentable. Accordingly, this will also be involved in targeting.

Basically, we have finished creating a Performance Max campaign with you. If you found this video useful, I’d love to hear from you by giving us a like, subscribing, or sharing. And I’m waiting for you in the comments. And see you in the new issues.

Яна Ляшенко
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Sergey Shevchenko Google Logist GoogleLogist
Google Ads 90 Days Package, will help make your advertising campaign not only profitable, but also increase sales from it