Setting up the “Purchase” conversion on the platform

Настраиваем конверсию «Покупка» на платформе

Hello everyone. My name is Yana Lyashenko. I’m a Google logistician. And in today’s video I will show you how to implement the purchase tag, conversion, and setting up tag conversion on the platform. It’s not hard enough. But before I move on directly to the demonstration, I would like to note a few nuances.

What’s new in setting up conversions on Prom?

What is the difference from the classic conversion settings on Prom? Previously, Prom allowed us to set up conversions… And conversions are our targeted actions on the site so that based on them we could either look at the result, see what advertising brought us, how much we spent, how much we earned. And this was also necessary to optimize our advertising campaigns if we wanted to use one of any subtypes of automatic strategies.

So before, Prom allowed you to set up these conversions only through the fourth analytics, but now he has added the functionality of the purchase tag. This is a conversion that is directly native and owned by the Google Ads advertising account. Don’t ask why. The fourth analytics is separate, Google Ads conversion separately is a completely different question. We don’t deal with that here. In 24, since Google is making changes to resolve all these nuances regarding the confidentiality of user data collection and so on. There are a lot of them, all these nuances. We won’t dwell on this. Now the most Googlers can recommend to us is to switch to the Google Ads tag and directly deliver Google Ads conversions.

That is, do not use the fourth analytics for now until they finish it, but use Google Ads conversion. So today we will implement it with you.

Setting up a purchase tag on the Google Ads side

What needs to be done for this? Approximately, if you log into your advertising account, you will see this picture – this is a new interface. And in the dark interface, which is still black and gray, you will have a navigation bar at the top. It’s right here, moved straight to the left. What do we need to do?

First, we need to do this conversion. Your conversions in the dark old interface will be at the top here. Click on this repair key, Tools > Settings. Next go to Conversions. I have this block here, here is the Google Ads conversion. Here is this result, which will be the same if you go to the “Conversions” section in the old interface.

We will create a “New conversion” for this conversion.

Be sure to choose a website. We need to enter the domain name of our site. We wrote. “Scan”. We look here, we have this notification. Google Analytics will be written here and will measure conversions. New conversions will be used in Google Ads. And I want Google Ads Only. “Switch to Google Ads.”

So I switched and now I need to click this “Add a conversion action manually”. I have to manually create this second block.

Next, be sure to select “purchase”. In English it’s simply called purchase. This will be your purchase. Be sure to pay attention to the main action or secondary, secondary or main. What is the difference between them? If we leave this conversion in the main ones, then it will be taken into account in the basic conversions column to optimize the bidding strategy of any advertising campaign. If you do not need this conversion or you will somehow track it in parallel, then choose primary. Secondary is a secondary action. I leave them basic.

Hereinafter I call it “Buying Google Ads”. Next, select “Use a different value for each conversion.” You don’t have to change anything here. Why this block? In order for us to dynamically transfer different income depending on the cost of the product, depending on the quantity of the product, etc.

Counting is every conversion. This is a must. We leave here. We change practically nothing. The only thing I would recommend is that until you get 200-300 or even 500 conversions, you can stick to the last click attribution model. That is, you have “Data Based” automatically turned on here. And I offer you “Last click”, that is, the last click.

Click Done. Check this box Turn on enhanced conversions – this will enable enhanced tracking of enhanced conversions. I’ll tell you now what to do with them. “I agree.”

Here we will have this conversion. Click “Done” or “Done” or whatever you have it for.

And now we have this Google Ads purchase. It is written as inactive.

Let’s go into this conversion. We are fine-tuning this conversion. We expand this setting block. We select our tag manager and see that there is a tag for this conversion. I call it Conversion label. So I copy this whole thing for myself.

Setting up a purchase tag on the side

Next, I need to go to my Prom admin panel.

Here is my Prom office. In this block, you scroll to “Market” “Included applications” and here you find “Google Ads”.

If you suddenly don’t have this Google Ads, you will have a button “Add an application from the Market” at the top right. It will be purple at the top right. I don’t know if the video is closing for me, because sometimes it freezes in one place. “Add an application from the Market.” If it is not there, then you find “Add an application from the Market.”

A new search line opens here. You enter at least Google. Just enter Google. And then you see Google Ads, this little thing. This is what we need. It has already been added to this online store from the Market.

That is, I find in this Market, here you go, this Google Google Ads remarketing tag. I click on it. A window like this opens for me. What should I do about all this? I will have two active fields. Google Ads tag and conversion event ID. If we go back to the previous window, we have a conversion ID – conversion ID. Here he is. 70 is a digital value.

You can copy it from here here again, duplicate it. And this conversion label. So we select it completely, copy it, go here. Paste it in, click “Save”, save. That’s it.

Implementing a test order to check the results

After this, your task will be to make a test order on your website and check whether it works. How can I do that? I won’t show you the site directly. I’ll make a test order. Now I’ll find some budget product item. I’ll get to the finish line.

What do we need to check? You will use an extension called Google Tag Assistant Legacy. But, perhaps, we will do all this according to science, when suddenly this Tag Assistant Legacy is completely removed from these stores, then we will use an extension called Tag Assistant Companion. It is very easy to find in the Chrome extension store. Because for Chrome. On this site, we make sure to click on this extension icon. Yes, I still have some kind of website here. Click Add domain – add a domain. Let’s enter. Usually I enter the product card right away. That’s it.

What do we do next? I’m placing a test order. “Further”. I choose pickup. I need the maximum, let it be an overlay, I write a comment “Test order”. Yes, I have. I’m placing an order. And now, as soon as I wait, they will say to me on Prom: “Thank you for your order, it has been successfully completed.” I return to this previous window. I find this code here, more specifically Google Ads code. I have several of them here for some reason. But no matter. You find that you have this icon with the digital value AW-, which is completely consistent with these values that you have, with the digital values that you have here. This number is conversion ID. Where does AW- come from? If we go to manually install this code, we will see the following two codes and they will definitely have the following code “send_to” “AW-”, waste. Here come the digital values. You will find these digital values here.

If you found them, then here, you are at least presumably trying to find an event called purchase. Do you see purchase? It is important for us to find this purchase. Now, if it’s the 80th, we open it here. We need a fourth analytics. This doesn’t suit us.

We need to find that the Google Ads code is here somewhere. So we will try this second event. Click conversion. And oh great, look, what are we going to have here? Here is our Conversion Label. The label we have here, if I copy it from here, return to Google Ads, or vice versa, press Ctrl+F, it matches completely.

That is, this purchase applies specifically to Google Ads. What do I need to check here? Firstly, so that I have value, that is, the amount of income that I want to send. The event type that it left, purchase and transaction ID. Here we have an order ID – this is a basic set of data that we can send here, because we have a code generated in this way.

The only thing that hasn’t been completed here yet and that, on the contrary, can be completed at Khoroshop is to transfer more filling. Data, here is data. In the data, pass on the filling, what products you bought. It would be very ideal to convey all this information.

Why? Because in this way the system could also appeal to product analytics, but this set of data that we will have will be more or less enough to at least somehow work with this Google Ads system on Prom. Yes, well, this is our purchase. That’s it.

Test order of advertising in SERP

What next? Your task, preferably when you launch advertising, is to find your advertisement in the Google Ads results and make a test order. Just see yourself, click on the ad and make a test order. Why do you need to make this test order? You do it for one purpose. Firstly, you will check exactly whether this conversion that you have set up is being recorded or not. On the Last Click attribution model that we set, it should land right here within exactly 48 hours. And in general, remember, Google summarizes almost all analytics in a minimum of 48 hours, and lists the maximum for a fairly large period of time. You should see her either the next day or within 48 hours. The value must match what you conveyed. This is a must. This is so that you have a picture of what it should be like. Plus, if suddenly this is your new account, so that in the recommendations in the block, it won’t quarrel that your conversions are not configured there.

Since usually such a message is conditional, yes, the recommendation appears when you have not yet recorded conversions, or do not fully see whether they work or do not work.


Everything, in principle. Don’t forget, of course, to “Save” here just in case. We kept it, but just in case.

Be sure to check the test conversion whether it works or not.

In this case, with the help of this Tag Assistant Companion, we verified that it is being registered with us. There is our mark here. We have the order number, Conversion value, Currency is transferred. Wonderful. Okay, this will be more or less enough for us to work with. That’s it.

Further our work will consist only of launching advertising. The only aspect is that extended data transfer as a type of email still needs to be finalized. But since I haven’t tested it on Promi yet, I want to test this thing. If it works, I will post a separate video. If not, then we’ll wait until Prom updates everything himself.

That’s it, the conversion tag purchase on Promi is set up.

Яна Ляшенко
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