Similar Google look-alike audiences: + 381 leads for 44.85 UAH

Contextual advertising


96% of site users tend to leave without completing what you want, and 70% leave carts without completing a purchase. But thanks to remarketing in 84% of cases, we still have at least one chance to “drag” the client to you.

But how to attract even more potential customers? – It’s simple: use Similar Audiences.

What is Google Lookalike Audiences?

Let’s first understand what a Lookalike Audience is, or look-alike / similar audiences / similar users.

The “Lookalike Audience” category includes people who, in terms of their behavior patterns and characteristics, are similar to those who have already visited our website and performed a useful action for us. The model is based on the assumption that people who make the same views, subscriptions, etc. as the audience of our site are potentially our customers who are ready to convert.

That is, the system selects for us the audience that can make conversions as much as possible. The more intersections of interests people on your remarketing lists have, the more accurate and effective your lookalike audiences will be.

How does it work?

Lists of similar audiences are automatically generated by the system based on the remarketing lists that are already collected in the account. Lookalike Audience lists are constantly changing as they are updated in real time. They work better with automatic bidding.

The tool is quite flexible and functional, so it can be used in Display Network, Search Network, Gmail email lists, apps and YouTube. It is important that ads are only shown to new users. Original remarketing lists are automatically excluded from Lookalike Audiences.

What about goodies?

Using Lookalike Audiences allows you to:

  • reach an average of 5 times more audience than remarketing lists;
  • Increase your conversion rate and number of conversions by 41%.
  • Access up to 94% of GND and YouTube users;
  • save advertising budget, as only those who are more likely to be interested in a product or service will see ads;
  • Compared to remarketing, Lookalike Audiences typically have a 20% higher CPA;
  • lists are created automatically, so launching a new campaign is a matter of minutes;
  • positively affects the effectiveness of remarketing.



For example, the Loews Regency hotel, with a combination of remarketing and lookalike audiences, increased revenue by 60%, bookings increased by 57%; and the “CareerIndex” campaign after using this tool received +225% in conversions and a 20% reduction in CPA for remarketing.

In our practice, for two weeks of work in a campaign for a similar audience, we received 381 conversions for 44.85 UAH, while for other campaigns that worked in the same period, 333 conversions for 52.14 UAH.


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Яна Ляшенко
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