How to set up conversions on Horoshop?

Web analytics

Hello everyone. My name is Yana Lyashenko. And I’m a Google logistician. And in today’s video, using the separate Google Tag Manager service, we will put a purchase tag on your website using Horoshop. What is a purchase tag? This is a separate type of conversion, which should record more and better conversions for an advertising account than the fourth analytics.

Other videos on setting up advertising on Horoshop
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How to insert Google Tag Manager on Horoshop?

Where do we start? You will need to create this tag manager and put it on the site. How to put it on the site? Go to the Marketing – Marketing Services section. We find two such blocks Google Tag Manager (head) and Google Tag Manager GTM is body. Because they are written inside the tag, inside the tag.

We have created an advertising account. Click on this icon here. We copy this GTM number from here and, accordingly, paste it here. First in this settings block. Selected and pasted here. Be sure to save it. I already have it installed. And GTM in the body tag. You also inserted this code into this block, the same one. Don’t forget to save.

Placing a test order

After that, go to our Google Tag Manager. Click the “Preview” button. Here in this window you must insert a link to your site. I always include a product card. That is, landing on the product card, so that it would be faster for me to make a test order. Next, you must make a test order. How do you make it? I’ll delete this one now. Go through the entire block. Fill out all this data there, tra-ta-ta. It’s all filled out. Clicked “Place an order” and after that, in this previous window, look for events that are called Purchase. Here they look. Here they are.

Verifying Purchase event data

What do we need to find in this Purchase? You definitely need to go to this Data Layer and see what we have here. We have a lot of different data here. These are the ones we will use to make this purchase tag.

Creating a Purchase Conversion in Google Ads

Open our Google Ads advertising account in a new window. Be sure to go to “Tools and Settings” – “Conversions”.

Here they are loaded for me. “New conversion action.” We choose a website. Enter our domain name here. We insert it. “Scan”. Here Google will automatically suggest certain conversions. But they are at the URL, they do not suit us. Well, that is, one page at a time, but we need a direct event. That is, an event for it to happen.

Select “Purchase”. The optimization will be “The main action is required.” Name of the conversion. I will call this “Purchase – Test”. For you, it will be “purchase”, for example. Because this is already some kind of duplicate conversion. We use a special value for each conversion. All. One. One. In attribution, in the initial stages, until you reach at least 200 conversions per month, it is advisable to use the Last Click attribution model. Save. Ready. Now we will click again.

Now we find our purchase again in the list of these conversions. Let’s go into it. We expand this tag settings block. You can either tag yourself or use a tag manager.

Creating a Google Tag Manager Conversion

We return to our Google Tag Manager. After that, click “Create tag” – “Configuration”.

Be sure to choose Google Ads. Conversion tracking in Google Ads. He may also ask you to create a conversion linking tag, then you do it.

Just go through all the stages and that’s it.

We need to take the conversion ID. Here we have it. Copy and paste here. “Conversion Label” – these are required parameters. Conversion label. Select, copy, paste. Next, we need to set the conversion value, transaction ID, and currency code. How are we going to ask this? Using variables.

How will we take the conversion value? Press the plus sign. Let’s open another plus sign. Select “Replaceable data level”. Let’s return to this window. We select our Purchase and see where we can get this value. I see for sure that we have value. Value is income. Value in this block and in this block. They are basically similar. Here only Affiliation, Currency.

But here we… In short, we’ll take it from here. Choose where it is convenient for you. In this case, you will most likely see something similar to me on Horoshop. What are we doing? Let’s take our ecommerce. We immediately insert, put a point. Definitely a point. Let’s move on. Value, Ctrl+C. Data layer variable. I love signing them. Value. Test conversion. This will be my test. Ecommerce value we took on. Great.

Next. Take the transaction ID. Also a plus sign, “variable configuration”, “data level variable”. We are looking for transaction_id here. Let’s take ecommerce again. Let’s put an end to it. Copy transaction_id. Yes, we copy. Data layer variable. Yes. save. I call it a “test” because this is a repeat purchase conversion for me.

Currency code. You can also take it. Suddenly we need to not set it manually, but take it. So again we take ecommerce. There was a point, they took the currency, inserted the currency, copied it. Data layer variable. Test. Save. Yes, there is.

Setting up the provision of data at the product level

You can also provide sales data at the item level. If you want, for example, if you really want to, for example, you can take it from the Data Layer or Special Fields. You can take “Data Layer”. We should try the data layer. If you want “Special Fields”, what do you need to take?

Merchant ID is the ID of your Merchant center. It’s on the top right of the Merchant center account – copied and pasted. Feed country – if you are in Ukraine, then this will simply be ua. If they are overwritten somewhere, we open the territory codes and look for the country accordingly. If it is very straightforward in principle – Ctrl + F, Ukraine and here is our ua. Copied from here.

If you suddenly feel too embarrassed to write in Latin. The feed language you are using. Well, if it’s ua, then ua. If ru, then ru accordingly. Well, here we could take it dynamically so that it is substituted, but here it is not pulled out, so you can set it yourself.

Discount. Well, you don’t have one here. And the elements. Elements – you need to take these items. That is, ecommerce needs it, period, items.

Setting up triggers

Okay, the next thing is triggers. Triggers where we process the purchase event. Well, accordingly, we were looking for event: “purchase”, then your task will be to create. Click the plus sign – trigger configuration. Down, “Special Event.” We call it purchase, event: “purchase”. You just do it, copy it like I did perchase.

You call it “EEC – purchase”. Save. Here we call it a purchase from us. Yes? Purchase. Check to see if it’s complete. “Save”. After this, your task is to do this conversion again. Click preview again and go through all these steps. Make a test order again.

You should have a picture like this. You… I just already have a conversion here from GADS-conversion, it’s called. It should work for you. I have two purchase events here, don’t pay attention to that. I did it this way on purpose. You will have one purchase event.

So you found this conversion that worked for you. You will definitely press it. Next, be sure to switch to value and look here at what you have. You must have a transaction ID, transaction_id, which we took, value must be present. Well, we set the conversion identifier, the currency code, and the conversion label manually.

I don’t have items here. Because, in principle, they were not included in this tag. This GADS-conversion, if we now expand it, then here we simply did not specify data on the sale of goods. And you will have them, conditionally. Well, if they don’t, then it’s not super critical. I told you how to quickly start them. All. If you see a picture like this, your task will be to simply do what? Click the send button.

Test purchase to check the operation of the Purchase tag on Good

That is, publish this tag completely on the site. Be sure to do this. Otherwise, this conversion will not work. Then after the start of the advertising campaign, what do we need to do? Be sure to find your advertisement. You set everything up, launched it, and started showing.

Find an advertisement. The simplest thing is to take the full name of your product – “Find”. Make a test order yourself so that, just in case, any errors like this disappear: “inactive”, something is “missing”, “solve the problem”. It will then disappear. And you will be sure that it is there. And within 48 hours you will definitely understand. Here, firstly, this one conversion of yours will appear. You will be sure that everything is configured correctly.

How do you import ready-made containers?

If suddenly you need a ready-made container like this, so that you can just upload it to GTM and simply replace your data, then you tell me, I’ll do it for you. Because here it is possible to import a container. That is, completely, for example, take two configured tags.

All you have to do is enter your conversion ID and conversion tag. Everything else will be done in this form. All you have to do is publish it. We absolutely need conversions in order for everything to work smoothly.

Installing dynamic remarketing on Good

And we also need to provide you with dynamic remarketing. How does he feel? Open again “Marketing” – “Marketing services”. Let’s definitely go to this block, which is called Google Tag.

Open your Google Ads. Go to “Tools and Settings” – “Audience Manager”. Be sure to choose your sources. You have this block “Google Ads Tag”, it can be either active or in configuration mode.

This is the type it can be. Seeing how you will have it. If, for example, you need to change something there, then the principle of the mechanics of filling out these… or rather, not to change it, but to do it from scratch, then the principle of the mechanics is as follows – “Collect data on specific actions”, necessarily “Retail trade”, “Save and continue. “Install” doesn’t matter. You can use a tag there or this one, it doesn’t matter.

We basically need this line in this “Install tag manually” block. You see gtag, config, here. You copy it completely as it is and return to your admin panel. Scroll down, find the fields, codes that you have here, or after SYSTEM_ID put a space and insert this line. Trim it so it looks good and store it. And it will work for you.


That is, dynamic remarketing will work for you in a certain basic version. Because you can customize the more relevant part of it using Google Tag Manager. But I will not highlight a special role in this. Even this functionality is enough for you to get started. That is, that’s all, that’s all you need to record the right conversions in Google Ads. Setting up dynamic remarketing.

We set up analytics in a separate video. This is all the basis so that you can simply launch your performance and you provide adequate analytics to artificial intelligence, Google machine learning, so that it can work properly.

That’s basically all.

Яна Ляшенко
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