Optimizing a real product campaign on the example of a sporting goods store

Optimizing a shopping campaign Google Shopping

Hello! My name is Yana!

In the video, we will analyze a product advertising campaign using the example of a real advertising account – the subject of sports goods. For those who have not watched the previous videos that relate to optimizing an advertising account for the current situation of the 2020 crisis, I will leave links in the infobox and tips here. Please take a look, there is a lot of good stuff in there. There is a specific question from a specialist asked about a product advertising campaign – “I launched a search engine earlier. In mid-August 2019. I did it according to Google’s instructions, by default. For a while, all positions were en masse in one group. In January, I made automatic, proposed by the system, division into groups. Quite strange, but so far I don’t know how to do it differently, I left it. I set different bids per click in these groups.

Product campaign questions

Let’s run through the questions to understand the big picture. We will answer them in the process. What is the global question? Is it right, is product advertising working right now? Are the stakes correct? In principle, the recommendations that are implemented in this product ad are based on the recommendations of Google. Now let’s see if these recommendations really should be followed. Is it possible to add your own, some principles to the work to increase its efficiency. Plus, we will discuss what Smart shopping is, whether it is worth launching it, and what threatens Smart shopping to an advertising account.

Preliminary analysis of the advertising campaign

We take the last 30 days of the advertising campaign. I see that it was launched back in August. Let’s take a look at this whole story again. For this we take the last 30 days? Now is the quarantine period and it is important to understand how much the behavior of the buyer has changed in terms of technical indicators that relate to the product advertising campaign. Where do we start the analysis?

Analysis of shopping ad results

We start the analysis with the following. We look at the result of shopping ads. In conversions of course. Now I’ll also do segmentation by the conversion action to see what type of conversion was mainly achieved. If we import some microconversions into Adwords, it’s not a mistake to import microconversions. It all depends on the task pursued by the specialist. It’s important that? Understand whether a product advertising campaign generates macro conversions in the main share, or whether it is more geared towards micro.

The macro conversion here is Checkout. We have 44.15. These are half. The 15-hundredth of a conversion rate just hasn’t been reached yet. The conversion cost is 150. Naturally, if you watched previous videos, remember that the advertising account contains sneakers, volleyballs, footballs, basketballs, various equipment, kimono belts, and so on and so forth. Each of the commodity items has a completely different average check and absolutely different marginality. Go to ad account. Let’s take it for a start – in the description of the questions it is indicated that the product has been launched since August 2019. First, let’s analyze the quarantine period to see the most up-to-date information for now and then see what happened in dynamics.

Difference of product groups

Conversion analysis

Only one advertising campaign. It’s called “Product Ad”. The first thing we look at when analyzing any type of advertising campaign is the result and the result it brings – the basic conversion. Added segmentation by type of conversion. I leave it on the screen – it is added again. To understand what the main share, what type of conversion is generated by this advertising campaign. Sometimes specialists import micro conversions into Adwords. It’s not a mistake. It all depends on the goal pursued by the specialist. Checkout is a macro conversion. Checkout is not a transaction, it’s just a goal set to commit, completing the purchase through the cart. I see that in the last 30 days – from March 19 to April 17 of the twentieth year, there were 44 conversions. Well, 15 hundredths – 15 hundredths of achieving one conversion. There are forty-four full checkouts here. Cost 150.82.

Ad account conversions

If you watched the previous videos, then you have an idea that in this advertising account, there is a rather motley product range. Sneakers of various brands, volleyballs, basketballs, footballs, equipment, kimono belts and more. When I look at this general picture, I don’t understand whether this cost per conversion is appropriate. She is average. Right? If you look at this CPA, then one fundamental thing is incomprehensible – it suits whether this cost per conversion is acceptable now at this particular moment. After all, different groups of goods always have both a different average check and different margins.

CPA should adjust to this margin so that it is profitable and does not go to zero, but also brings some profit. One of the initial recommendations for product advertising campaigns, no matter if it’s a regular product or Smart shoping. Try different groups, the highest priority groups of goods, the highest margins in combination with the most popular ones, to take out, distribute in different separate advertising campaigns. Advantage? Turned on and off immediately. Second, properly assign budgeting. You see, it went well – here you add another budget. Third, always understand the CPA that you get, the cost per conversion, and you can adequately quickly respond to this whole story.

Shopping Campaign Settings

Let’s go inside the advertising campaign. First, look at the settings. What is fundamentally important to pay attention to when viewing the settings? The first is the goal. The goal is preferably to choose Sales, of course. In the previous steps, we found out that for the purpose of placing an order, the trait costs Purchase. If you haven’t watched the previous video, check out the search to see how it’s posted. Because it is easier for the system to work with a combination with automatic strategies.

Setting up a shopping campaign

Staking and budgeting

The second thing to look at is bidding strategies and budgeting. There is also a priority for the company. You can leave a low company priority if there is only one promotional shopping campaign in the account. If several are added, then it is worth prioritizing them in a different type. How to prioritize them? Look, priority means that the system is more likely than other shopping campaigns to try to get the item to show. At the same time, higher priority means more, a bigger bet. If there are several product advertising campaigns, try to prioritize them among themselves in different formats.

Ad campaign targeting

Second. Rates and budgeting. As we found out, at the stage of analyzing search advertising campaigns, the correct budgeting assignment is the basis, the main one for the advertising campaign to correctly achieve the required results. This means that we need to calculate our budgeting according to our CPA. Ideally, even a maximum conversion strategy can work well for product advertising campaigns. But, remember, maximum conversions… Google recommends. What budget to set? Our CPA, cost per conversion, is multiplied by 10 or even 15 times. This is another argument why the highest priority running product groups should be placed in different advertising campaigns. Then the automatic strategy will work well.

Bid & Budget

After getting enough conversions, at least a hundred in a month. Someone barely gets 20. If you can score a hundred, then more, of course. You can already connect automation strategies according to the type of return on investment. First, set static or dynamic value values. The system will be able to make the advertising campaign the most profitable, the most conversion. Here the rates are simply cost per click optimizer. This means just manual CPC. If the likelihood of conversions is also high, the system may raise the bid a little. The budget is 600 hryvnia. As we saw at the previous stage, our CPA for the last 30 days is 150 UAH. We believe that our 600 hryvnias are divided by the same 150 hryvnias with kopecks – a maximum of 4 conversions per day. Get 4 conversions. Moreover, these 4 conversions are obtained in absolutely different price and margin ranges. All products are collected in one advertising campaign. This means that 4 conversions can be attractive, in terms of marginal position, or not strong. Another argument why it is necessary to spread all this into different groups.

Ad breakdown by groups

Next. There is one ad group here. Also, if you create an advertising campaign as a merchant, for example, a sneaker product, you can place different brands in different ad groups or break them down into price ranges. Sneakers up to 2000, 3000, 5000 and so on. Or according to some other important priority criteria that will be able to adequately understand what is happening in the advertising account faster. In this case, the flexibility in optimizing the management of the advertising campaign is increased.

This is one ad group. If we go into the product groups, we will see such a breakdown. You see, volleyball, basketball, other manufacturers, inventory and so on. This is what he was talking about, the specialist wrote. The system proposed that all goods be subdivided into different categories of a group of goods. Not a bad story. If it’s so convenient to manage your advertising campaign, please.

Ad groups

I prefer when all product groups are in ad groups. If you leave these product groups, unfortunately, in Analytics without set up transactions it is quite difficult to understand which product group led to conversions. Of course, you can build some kind of chain, form some long complex reports, and come to a conclusion. This is not all that is necessary to understand the current result during periods of crisis quarantine situations. Should monitor their advertising campaigns more frequently. If you only generate such complex reports, just spend all the days of the week not on correcting the current situation, but simply on creating reports.

Product feed

Next comes the breakdown. Kimono, Mizuno. What are we watching? Over the past 30 days, there has been very little to offer such breakdowns. More precisely, few commodity items showed impressions. You see, Mizuno, suits, thermal underwear – haven’t been shown in the last 30 days. Other all goods received. These are thermal underwear, an antenna for a volleyball net, Mikasa volleyball antennas. There are 1052 items here.

Including additional columns in the table

Judging by the reaction, you already assume that such a breakdown is not easily manageable. If we now look at what categories of goods are in this “Other” group All goods, we will see how much the average bill differs. You see, 110 hryvnias, 7,200, 5,600 and 4,731. When did the specialist smash this whole story? In January. It’s already March-April. I can say that this group “Other products” both received impressions and continues to receive impressions. Now the situation is about the same as before. They were divided into different groups of goods, but they did not start showing. These 150 hryvnias that we received, now let’s add the conversion columns, cost and conversion rate. We see that the Mizuno Men Knit Tracksuit has a large number of impressions – 16, almost 17 thousand impressions. Spent – 278 hryvnia. Does it fit into the marginal CPAs or does it not? So far no conversion. Its cost is 1539 hryvnias. There is a sale – running shoes – 135, does it fit or does it not fit? Sneakers for running – 67 hryvnia. Running shoes second – 0.63 conversion. No full sale conversion 0.87. See how different the conversion rates are.

We return to the fact that if we correctly scatter the fundamentally priority product groups into different, into different advertising campaigns, or according to some other criteria, we will make an internal grouping, you can break sneakers in a different check. Let’s say up to 2000 hryvnia, then from 2000 to 3000, up to 5000, from 5000 to 10000.

Thus, we can more adequately understand what is happening. Now men’s suits, perhaps they are already in the red. Probably no. Do not know the limiting CPR in different product categories. For example, “Manual floor pump”. Its cost is 115 hryvnia. Already spent 253 hryvnia. Of course, the cost is up to 90, but it already goes beyond the cost of the goods. This heading is no longer profitable. She went negative. We go further. There are 0.2 running shoes. Elastic knee pad – 160 hryvnia cost per conversion. Its cost is ninety-three hryvnia. The grouping that exists now does not allow one to objectively understand whether an advertising campaign is profitable or not.

I answer the question – “How does it work, does it give an effect compared to the general group. How to work with analytics? Answering, we see that this particular grouping, breakdown by product groups, did not give an immediate unambiguous positive effect. Didn’t work better. Some commodity positions work in a minus. Now, for 30 days, you do not track what is happening now. In this case, how to use analytics? In Google Analytics, in a similar breakdown, you will not be able to use it. Set up E-Commerce. That would make things a little easier. There is no E-Commerce, just a customized checkout goal and grouping. You have to delve into each group of goods and see what happens, in what situation.

Look. Now, do you see where the problem of such a grouping might lie? All other goods were brought here. We can’t stop commodity items quickly. Knee pads. If knee pads were in a separate ad group, they would have stopped in one click, in one click this whole story would have been suspended, blocked, reduced the bid, and so on. It would be easier to sort through search queries, traffic, if each product on the Product group were in separate groups.

It’s just about the cost of thought fuel, it’s easier for specialists. Now I see that such a grouping did not bring results. Because:

A. The bands that did, they didn’t get enough exposure right now. We received mainly other goods and in other goods absolutely motley, like a price tag, groups of goods and the results, of course, are also absolutely motley. In the end, what Google suggested was that it was trying to help, but not in the right context to really help generate a really profitable result. What is the action plan? Priority product groups are high-margin, we put them in separate groups and in separate companies. Sneakers in a separate advertising campaign on other groups. Mizuno sneakers, Asics sneakers, Adidas sneakers and off. If we take thermal underwear, men’s, women’s or carry it according to the price tag, of course.

Google Recommendations

Setting bids

Let’s go further – “I set rates for more expensive goods 20 percent higher than cheaper, low-margin, all small things.” How did this affect impressions?

Look. Rates were set for the same groups of goods. Right? Not on ad groups. I see here. For the last 30 days – by zero. We saw – sneakers are shown, knee pads, etc. Received more impressions in the last 30 days. Impressions are user generated. Not by the system, not by robots. Users searched for specific product groups 315,000 times. They were shown to everyone, they were shown in such and such a quantity. 20 percent in this case did not play a significant role. Initially, grouping, breaking down into groups did not produce the desired result. You see, the grouping that they did during the pickup. Why didn’t they show up if we point to this particular group? We see that there are no sent goods in the group.

No items sent for group

Thermal underwear. There are no items in the group. The grouping was somehow not entirely correct, perhaps. I see there is no group, there are no products in these groups. This is bad. It is not known on what basis Google proposed to make this breakdown. Now there are simply no goods for additional rebreaking. In others there is an opportunity to break. The system offers options: Nordic, Mueller, Mizuno, Mikasa, Macron, Asics, Adidas, Ukraine, China. This is by brand.

Group breakdown by commodity items

We have the ID. See identifiers. You see, there is an opportunity to break this whole story into commodity items. Write sneakers, highlight everything, create a group called “Sneakers”. This is about such a crutch option. Ideally, everything should be done using the seller’s tags. Labels. These labels can be written at the feed level when it is generated on the site. You can do it using the Google Merchant Center, using the rules.

Separating products into groups

Setting rules in Google Merchant Center

The screen now shows the Google Merchant Center ad account and how to create a label that will segment products by a certain price tag. We go to Products, expand and go to Feeds, select our feed that needs to be converted. Let’s move on to feed conversion rules. There will be help on the right that shows how to do everything. Click on the plus sign, select Seller’s Tag. The data source is our feed, of course. Another feed – change it. You need to add a rule. Our rule. What needs to be done? It is necessary to find the value of the price and we can specify from and to. We can indicate it is in the range from 100 hryvnia to 2000 hryvnia. 100 hryvnia – figuratively. Up to 500 hryvnia. You can set values, criteria, which should include all values. It is necessary to assign a label from 100 to 500 – click add. We describe from 100 to 500. Or less than a hundred. If it is necessary to select a product less than a hundred, they would ask less than 100. Here they would call it “One Hundred”, just like that. Depends what values are necessary and to do the data, respectively. Click ok. We save. Uploading may take a certain amount of time in Adwords. It takes several minutes, ten, several hours.

Add seller tag

You will see that you have added a custom label, seller label 0, called, in this case, “Less than a hundred”. Thus, this whole, simple story is realized.

Seller Rating

“Google no longer reduces the effectiveness of an advertising campaign for lack of a seller rating.” Google does not downgrade an ad campaign for not having a seller rating. Seller rating is an extra bonus that can appear in a shopping ad that will simply increase the loyalty and credibility of the ad. It won’t lower your ad’s rank. Simply, the more clickable the ad, the higher its ranking. It’s just that if this bun increases the click-through rate of an ad, not everyone has an asterisk in the ad. It’s just that those ratings will be higher. You will pay a little less, you will not underestimate. Stay on the calculation of the rating that is. You can add or not add a seller rating. Ideally add it. More influence on the decrease in the effectiveness of an advertising campaign is an untimely replenished account, a replenished account for a smaller amount than all the budgets for advertising campaigns were assigned. Drastically reduces, just the number of impressions. Google sifts quantity, amounts. Rates, structure and budgeting. It seems that this is everything that globally, on a large scale, affects the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. Thinking that an ad campaign will perform worse without a seller rating is a misconception. Many advertising accounts that work without a rating. They work better than those who have a rating.

Google rates and recommendations

“The bids are set according to the recommendation of the Google system. Is it correct?” Rates. What can you say about rates? Due to incorrect breakdown, grouping, it is possible that the rate may be enough and not enough for commodity items. We see cost per click in UAH – 1.56, 1.62, 1.40. There are 2.12, 1.71, 1.88, absolutely motley rates. Initially, the grouping would have been a little different – they would have adequately understood whether the bet was enough or not. The rates recommended by Google have implemented this on the groups that were. Globally, nothing can be said about their effectiveness – there are simply no products in the groups.

Additional feed fields

“I know that the feed can be uploaded some additional fields so that they shine in the output for detailing and fields that can then be used for work – ungrouping. What can you advise here? Labels, seller’s mark – one of the most versatile ways of ungrouping, additional grouping of commodity items. By name, by price tag, by brand, by type of goods. As far as the imagination is enough and the functionality of the Merchant Center – you can play with grouping, ungrouping, product tags, etc. What is red, black, green, orange, running, slow – you can think of anything.

Smart Campaigns Tool

“Is it necessary to use the smart campaigns tool if you run it in parallel with the main one. Do you have to pay twice as much? Smart shopping is one of the coolest tools that Google has basically made for E-commerce advertising accounts. If you transfer the value of the transaction, you have smartshopping set up correctly, budgeting is set correctly, etc., then the advertising campaign generates sales sometimes even tens of times cheaper than a regular shopping advertising campaign.

In Smart shopping, you need to make the same structure as for regular shopping advertising campaigns. Each Smart shopping company corresponds to a separate group of goods. Of course, everything can be linked into one campaign. Then the story with CPA will be about the same as with a regular shopping advertising campaign. If you make a fractional structure, grouping, the effectiveness of this advertising campaign is higher. In parallel with the main, the cost will not be doubled. The cost of an advertising campaign will be much higher. Cons – will drag over all impressions of a regular product advertising campaign. Look here – the result is fundamentally important or it is fundamentally important to track for which queries it is shown. Unfortunately, it is impossible to clean the traffic, to understand what queries were shown in Smartshopping. Such an advertising campaign – set it up, if it’s set up correctly, everything is done – don’t think much further. Just throw it in the furnace of the budget.

How to reduce the cost of commodity AC

“What did the transfer to the new platform bring? Is it possible to reduce costs without losing traffic? How to track if, as an experiment, once every 2 weeks you play with bets. Transfer to a new platform – do you mean the site? If I understood correctly. Is it possible to reduce costs without losing traffic? How to track if, as an experiment, once every 2 weeks you play with bets?

If there was a correct grouping in the ad account, then something could be assumed. In this case, the grouping is a bit not the one that would be ideal. How to reduce the cost of product advertising campaigns? We look at the usual product advertising campaign. The principle is roughly similar to what happens in search advertising campaigns. First, we clean non-targeted traffic, then we clean targeted traffic. We cut down the volume of search queries that is not needed. Second, we look at which product groups it is not profitable to advertise in an advertising account. Look, it’s not good. Someone’s knee pads will be sold in bulk. They may not sell at all. The problem is not globally in advertising. More precisely, advertising in combination with the conversion of the site gives the result. Someone has a higher conversion – his knee pads will be sold more. If the conversion is lower, then naturally fewer knee pads will be sold.

What is the task? Go through untargeted traffic and downvote it. I saw a large block of negative keywords. I see that traffic is being cleaned here. It’s good. Then you just take and filter targeted traffic. target. If these are Mizuno sneakers – take all Mizuno requests in Russian, Cyrillic, Latin, filter them, look. If you take the search query “Sneakers”. Add filter – search query. I’m just filtering. You can add in one request.

Mizuno sneakers. I see there were 143 clicks on search terms that included Mizuno sneakers. Cost – already spent on all requests 296 hryvnia. Got 1 lead. Just sort through all Mizuno. Possible models. You see, perhaps there is no such model. Turn them off, downvote them, look at search queries. If we take August 2019. If we take August and see if there are search queries that are often clicked on and do not lead to a conversion. This is done by Mizuno, I mean, branded, in Cyrillic and Latin. Analyze separately or together. You can’t downvote the Latin alphabet, but the Cyrillic alphabet will remain. There are 89 clicks here. Given the fact that the site conversion is 1 percent, then, of course, it has not yet been globally re-clicked. Take unbranded Mizuno sneakers. 89+43 is 132 clicks. Requests should have 1 conversion.

Query clicks

I’m linking similar search queries together. I can’t add a brand request here. A branded query could only get 9 clicks. CTR – 8.74. Spent 12 hryvnia. Now I am telling you the principle of filtering traffic by targeted requests, when, by removing these requests, you can now reduce the cost of expenses. Requests can be 20 thousand, 40 thousand. We’ll have to take such a story, roll up our sleeves and filter everything in great detail. Spend a lot of time – save every penny, save. If we see that such a search query did not lead, according to the site’s conversion, 1 percent, I think Mizuno sneakers have a slightly higher conversion. If you look at the search, I think it should be higher. These requests in the product do not fit. Why don’t they fit? This is the target request. right? If the search query does not work, the problem is globally not in advertising, but in product results. When we hammer Mizuno sneakers, you see how motley, in principle, the price tag. Secondly, Mizuno has women’s, men’s sneakers, red, green, white, for such and such a sport. See? A person clogs Mizuno sneakers, he imagines what sneakers he wants and he looks and chooses what he wanted or has not yet decided on the brand. A person has, in principle, some kind of vision of what kind of sneakers he wants – he will click on them. This is a general query just above the sales funnel. Not a conversion request. The task now is to save – it must be turned off.

Google Shopping Ads in SERPs

If there is a task, there is a budget margin to test, retest and select a potential conversion from a request – it is necessary to reduce the cost of traffic. This is another point, how to reduce the cost of traffic on requests. Look, if you look at the descriptions of the pictures, below are the same. If two items come across with the same color, which one should you click on? The price tag will continue to be selected. right? Here is a little description. Casta didn’t bother with that. There is a problem feed in Kasta. See how the description is tough going. Stuffed with various symbols. Here the picture is attractive, cool. Casta is poor. Saved on a Google shopping setup specialist.

Testing images

An important point. Test pictures. The picture is the only one that stands out. It will be the most clickable. The picture, perhaps potentially one of the clickable ones, will become. It’s just blue sneakers. The guys filter by what requests they are shown. Sneakers unsportsmanlike plan. When talking about remarketing, remember how much emphasis was placed on creatives. Haven’t watched the video, watch it. Already posted on the channel. What am I leading to? If the pictures of all advertisers are exactly the same, test a different type of picture. on the foot. Make sports, according to what may be of interest to the potential target audience. You see, all sneakers are similar. If you chat with the guys who manage to sell such stories on Instagram, where it is more difficult to work on creativity. They will say – the picture is the most sucky picture that you can … The most sucky? Did she say so? Worst creative idea imaginable. It will be better to have the simplest, photographed on the phone, how the legs look in these sneakers, rather than just sneakers. It is necessary to show sneakers in motion. Life hack over which no one wants to bother. The simple truth that increases CTR. Nobody wants to mess around. Nobody wants to take other photos. Nobody tests them. This is the work. Once you set up a tovarka and get sales, it doesn’t work. You have to invent, to refine. Believe me, if there are two ads – one has a seller rating, the second has a different picture. Above click on the one where the picture is more attractive.

Come back here. Figured out why Mizuno sneakers might not be our conversion request. Plus our CPC combination is too expensive to leave this search query. With this grouping in the strategy structure of advertising products, it is necessary to clean targeted traffic according to this algorithm. Look for similar target queries, filter, minus them. This is one of the ways to reduce the cost.

Using automatic strategies

The second way to reduce the cost is to use automatic strategies. No matter how it may seem, but for automatic product strategies, it is better to set up transactions, transferring value to Google Adwords. Value is a different story. Sometimes transactions are set up in Analytics, they transfer all possible data to analytics, but for Adwords this whole history is not transferred and you have to set up additional tags that push the value in Adwords. When setting up e-commerce, please always clarify this point.

Using additional tools

What questions remain? “What important toolkit of product advertising is it desirable to use to which the hands have not matured?” Probably, this story was discussed. What should be used? Import transaction values, try Smart shopping, try to split priority product groups into different groups. What are Priority Product Groups? Priority groups of goods – those goods that are popular, there is a demand for them and which, at the same time, have a fairly high margin. High, doesn’t mean the highest. Those who have a margin to get a little overpriced CPA in the first periods. It is easier to lower it, this value per conversion, cost per conversion, than not to receive these conversions. If we add non-tradable goods to this group, we will wait forever for a sale, these two combinations are necessary. If you see that some product group has clicks, but cannot lead to a sale, turn it off and forget about it. The task now is to get sales, what is being sold specifically now.

What tools? There is no magical moment other than Google shopping that can generate good enough results. We live in a highly competitive environment. Especially, during the quarantine period, competition grows even more. Not just direct competitors. There is an online store – we sell sports equipment, Mizuno sneakers. There is another store that sells similar items. There are substitutes, displacers, channel competitors, there are different formats of competitors, toughening, complicating access both to your target audience and getting the same sales.

Working on increasing CTR

The work consists in such a detailed grouping of commodity items, tracking their effectiveness, at least within Adwords. View work in what? We see our statistics. Good quality traffic. It converts, but we would like to increase our CTR – the amount of traffic to the site. If they say that the CTR of a product is not fundamentally important for Google shopping – perhaps yes. Is not a fact. This is a very fundamentally important point.

If a certain search query, a certain product group generates conversions for you. Realizing that at a good price, you want to increase their number even more, then you need to work on CTR. How do we work on CTR?

We use various titles, descriptions, descriptions of certain commodity items. We also test different types of images. Plus, we use features like reviews, seller ratings, sale blocks, delivery blocks, and more. There are many features that, depending on the country, can help. Of course, perhaps not everything is available for Ukraine, but everything can be used to the maximum. This all affects the CTR.

There are two basic points that can now affect the CTR without the seller’s rating – the picture and the text. Texts can be changed in the Merchant Center itself, using the rules, without involving a programmer, without rewriting the name of the product on the site.

With pictures, you will have to get confused. With the help of a programmer, pull, change this story or with the help of some other resources, try to test other pictures. There are reviews of similar product advertising campaigns. For example, for clothes. It seems that jeans were taken apart for pregnant women. There was a situation when jeans for pregnant women were 46, 50 sizes. They depict a girl – a rather slender tummy. If the young lady is 50 of some size with a plus? Does she see a skinny girl? And a competitor shows maternity jeans for a 50 plus size girl. Naturally, it is more likely that they will buy and click on the ad, who shows more how the product on a particular model will look like. The picture is also a priority. How to be smart with pictures? There are various options for how to play with them. Everything depends on the imagination. As you can, so be it. On parsing this commodity shopping advertising campaign, that’s all.

Яна Ляшенко
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Sergey Shevchenko Google Logist GoogleLogist
Google Ads 90 Days Package, will help make your advertising campaign not only profitable, but also increase sales from it