Wooden goods store case: sales up to $10

Кейс для магазину товарів з дерева Cases
Кейс google shopping Польша  - performance maxКейс google shopping Польша - performance max

Hello everyone! My name is Yana Lyashenko, Google logistics specialist. I am engaged in delivering business to the target audience with the necessary parameters. What does it mean? This means that my task is to be able to find the target audience and bring them to your site. If this target audience does not convert, then find a segment of the audience in this target audience that will come to the site and start buying. My task, mission is to scale online sales using Google advertising tools, especially tools that use Google artificial intelligence.

Briefly about the presented case

Well, today we are reviewing a case study… By the way, here, of course, the case ended with the client forcing him to stop the advertising campaigns. But not for a bad reason, but for a good one, since production was busy. Here’s an online store. Sale of wooden accessories. Handmade product. Well, it’s handmade, made from wood, a product that is not stamped somewhere in a factory, not some kind of Chinese fake. That is, people… People have their own production, they make these things. I’ll call it something like “things” to preserve the client’s incognito. Made of wood. I would not say that the product is an essential item, for entertainment or some kind of aesthetic pleasure.

The results of our work. Reducing the cost per click

What do we have? The first clicks were around November 28th. The graph shows a very demonstrative increase in conversion traffic and, accordingly, shows the cost of the cost per conversion for the entire period. The cost per conversion, as you can see, jumped up in some places and decreased in others. If they had tightened it up a few more weeks, it would have been 20 percent lower.

What were the target KPIs

Target KPIs of the following nature – much more conversions, but it is desirable that the cost per conversion be up to 15 euros. The Czech crown is used here. I think it’s a Czech crown. This is the equivalent of 365 CZK. If you see here the cost per conversion (price per conversion) is 234, taking into account the jumps of some expensive, very high cost per conversion. We met the target KPIs. Traffic conversion, as you can see, has dropped slightly. Not good, not bad, taking into account that these are the first weeks, relatively speaking, of the work of the performance and have already been knocked down (!!!!). I think this is a very good result.

What were you promoting? Why was the emphasis on performances?

What were you promoting? By the way, there weren’t many campaigns. We tested different types of advertising campaigns, different targeting, and signals. The emphasis was on Performance Max.

Why Performance Max? This is one of the most versatile tools for getting online sales. The universal e-commerce tool uses Google artificial intelligence. What could be better? There are some predictive statistical models used by Google artificial intelligence.

The nuance when using Performance Max is how quickly you will collect the necessary database on conversions or behavioral characteristics of potential customers. Those who are about to buy and, accordingly, how quickly you will get the result. As we can see, the performances did quite well. Performances in the dynamic remarketing list, on search topics, without a signal, without an object.

Most performances always start without objects, without pictures. With targeting for Christmas, conditionally, CPA and competitors. Each of them gave proportionally different results. Tested to find the most optimal targeting initially. There are many and few campaigns at the same time. The only criterion is that they fit in with 15 euros. Up to 15 euros maximum cost per conversion. As you can see, we have dealt with the whole story. It is advisable to start with minimal budgets. The build-up is carried out according to such and such a schedule and the quality of traffic is carefully monitored.

What does traffic quality mean?

What does traffic quality mean? Let me remind you how the artificial intelligence Performance Max works. If there is an insufficient number of conversion captures in the advertising account, that is, we miss some, miss them, don’t transfer everything, etc., Performance will change the targeting strategy. How does this happen? He takes, conditionally, some kind of product. It has attributes, characteristics, ID that match the feed. Leads him to the site directly. Something is happening on the site with the product ID. An item can be added to the cart, purchased, or a person can go somewhere else to walk around the site. We sell items that are not super essential, because in any case, people will continue to browse the site, compare options, and see what they like. It’s a matter of emotional buying. What anyone likes is relative. Large, small, multi-colored or something else, some types, groups, etc. It sees and tracks everything. Can operate all analytics on your sites.

If we drive traffic, generate, generate, but do not record a sufficient number of conversions, that is, does not see feedback from this traffic, it will change the direction, the audience search vector, regardless of what cool or not cool signal was set. No matter how perfectly detailed it is written, it will still change the targeting.

Using signals

Signal is not a rigid control of who to look for. This is just a small flag that please pay attention, first of all, to this audience. This is not a rigid vector of where to move. We must remember this.

You filled out the signal in very detail, superficially, somehow you think it’s not very correct, Google itself will correct it all based on the conversion analytics received. There are situations when many Add to carts are generated, but there are no Purchases. This will begin to change the direction vector of the search for the performance.

This, by the way, is the moment when I do not recommend adding add to cart goals as the main ones for optimization. Better add them to the secondary ones. This will give more meaning than adding to the main ones. It will just start generating more Add to cart. This is not the case here. Here the goal is “Purchase”. This is another important nuance. As of December twenty-third so far.

Problems in obtaining analytics for performance

In the meantime, Google has not made its Global Site Tag universal for tracking all actions on the site, so far conversions from the fourth analytics make performance performance worse than conversions configured directly through Google Ads. This is not the kind of analytics that we would like to see to compare the viewing of products that were purchased, comparisons with some other traffic sources. This is important for Google Ads.


Therefore, an example of how systematic expansion works. Everything is technically correct and beautifully configured. Technically correct, as far as it was possible. We tried to scale the budgets, and this is the result we got.

I think that’s basically it. Not many campaigns and nuances. Everything was just done normally, beautifully. Technically it worked out. There is demand. Great product. Everything came together. Launched. The result is received.

Basically, everything I wanted to say about this case.

Яна Ляшенко
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