How to set up search remarketing in Google Ads?

Google ads search remarketing Remarketing

Search remarketing task – selective display of advertising in search to potential customers assigned to the remarketing audience.

With this tool, you can run a successful campaign to bring visitors back to your site or app. A thoughtful, relevant offer can increase its effectiveness and motivate the audience to make deals.

How does RLSA (search remarketing) work?

RLSA is an abbreviation of the first letters of the English phrase “Remarketing Lists for Search Ads” and translates as “remarketing lists for search ads”.

The mechanism of this tool is based on the selection of ads and the determination of rates, based on the behavior of visitors interested in your product who visit the site again.

How does search engine remarketing work?

For example, a user visits the website of a repair shop and spends a lot of time studying a page with information about servicing Indesit washing machines. After some time, he continued to search for a solution to his problem and this time entered the query “repair of household appliances in Kyiv”.

But we already have information that the visitor most likely has a broken Indesit washing machine. Using Google Ads search remarketing, you can select the most relevant ad to your perceived need and even increase your bid per click for it.

How is search remarketing different from standard remarketing?

These tools differ in how they work and aim for different results. Places for displaying ads using classic remarketing are Google apps and partner sites, YouTube service, email.

With the help of search remarketing, you can build an effective interaction with potential buyers or customers who are interested in the product.

Important! Unlike standard remarketing, such ads appear on the screen of a potential client at the very moment when he makes a request to the search engine. Advertising is displayed in Google search results in the most relevant time period for the transaction.

Benefits of Google Ads Search Remarketing

The list of users to whom Google AdWords search remarketing ads are shown is formed from those who have already had contact with the advertiser company or its product. It usually includes users who have previously visited the site, showed interest in the product or bought goods and services posted on the site.

This allows you to highlight the obvious advantages of such a tool:

  • Loyal audience. If there is a positive experience of interacting with a company or its website, the user is very likely to revisit it and make a purchase when they see a link to a familiar web resource in the search again. In such a situation, an effective step is to increase the rate, which allows you to push competitors in the search results;
  • Relevance. Having information about the user’s interests, the advertiser can form and display the most relevant offers. For example, for those who were interested in learning French with a native speaker, an ad that focuses on the advantages of lessons with a teacher from France organized at your school will work well. Or if a visitor has placed an item in their shopping cart but hasn’t completed checkout, being reminded of that item while searching for related queries can motivate the user to make a payment;
  • Efficiency. Considering the accumulated statistics and generating relevant offers, you can target ads and reduce the number of ineffective impressions. The result will be an increase in the conversion rate and a higher effectiveness of the advertising campaign as a whole.

Ways to use RLSA

There are two approaches to building an RLSA:

  1. Observation (BidOnly). Ads will be seen by users who enter specified phrases in the search, and bids will be optimized for such impressions. In this way, you can increase the maximum cost per click to increase the likelihood of showing ads to those who have recently visited the site;
  2. Targeting(Target&Bid). The system will display ads on the screens of users included in the remarketing list. When compiling a marketing proposal, you must be guided by information about the audience. For example, for those who “forgot” about the items in the cart, you can show a reminder or offer a discount.

Advice! To increase the likelihood of showing ads on the remarketing list, expand the semantics and add phrases that you do not usually use.

The size of the remarketing audience affects the choice of one or another approach. For example, targeting a small list is not effective.

Target&Bid Search Remarketing Features

When setting up search remarketing, it is recommended to expand the semantic core (use broad match for keywords, add low-frequency keywords). The list of negative keywords should be kept as short as possible.

This approach increases the number of potential queries that will trigger ads for the right audience. It is limited exclusively to those who have shown interest in the product, so you should not worry about a large amount of inappropriate traffic.

Advice! When writing ad text, it is important to take into account any information about the behavior and interests of the audience. For each of its segments, it is necessary to form a relevant offer.

The more information you have about users, the more effective advertising will be.

To prevent ads from competing with each other, remove duplicate audiences in other ad campaigns.

How do I set up search remarketing in Google AdWords?

In order to run search remarketing in Google Ads, you need to create an audience list containing at least a thousand website visitors and add it to a functioning or newly created AC.

Use Google Ads or Analytics to generate it. Possible remarketing lists can be found in the Audience Manager section. There you need to find the item “Audience lists”.

When creating a new audience, don’t forget to set the time that users will be in the list. The duration of this period depends on the time it takes to make a decision in your niche. For pizza delivery, the interval can be equal to a week, and for the sale of residential real estate – up to six months.

A remarketing list is added at both the campaign and ad group levels – choose the one that suits you best.

Audience for advertising is selected in the section of the same name. Click on “+Audiences” to create a new list. To configure, use the button with the image of a pencil:

Creating a new audience for RLSA

Select the level at which the list will be used, then set the remarketing type and audience type. Our goal is users who visited the company’s website, so we use the category “How do they interact with your company?”:

Search remarketing settings

After that, mark the necessary lists and save the settings.

The final step is to determine the rate adjustment range. They can be increased up to 900% or reduced up to 90%.

Google search remarketing tips

In order for advertising to be effective and bring conversions and orders, before setting up search remarketing, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Use more key phrases. If you set up search remarketing in a separate advertising campaign, then supplement the semantic core with medium- and low-frequency keywords in broad correspondence; you should also not forget about phrases with a high frequency in query statistics. Revise the list of negative keywords downwards. This way, more users will be able to see the ad, while inappropriate traffic will be minimal, because the audience is limited only to those who are interested in your product.
  2. Personalize your offer. When creating ads, use all the data at your disposal about the behavior and interests of users. Knowing the audience allows you to maximize the effectiveness of targeting. The proposal for each target group should be different. For example, site visitors who have placed a product in the shopping cart and have not completed the order should be reminded of this and given more interesting conditions (a good discount, free shipping, a bonus, etc.).
  3. Segment your audience. Separate users who meet the remarketing criteria into a separate group, while excluding them from regular campaigns. So different ads will not compete with each other.
  4. Create a separate group of users who have already made a purchase. This will avoid showing ads for the product they previously purchased. And you will be able to promote the accompanying assortment among such loyal consumers.
  5. Incentivize repeat sales. Promote frequently repurchased products or promote services that need to be renewed. In this case, it is important to keep track of the date of the previous transaction and regularly inform the buyer about new offers.
  6. Remind about abandoned carts. Formulate a message to those visitors who studied a product on your site, threw it into the basket, but for some reason did not return to complete the checkout. For such an audience, a reminder message or displaying discount information in a search ad works effectively.
Сергей Шевченко
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