How to upload a feed to the Merchant Center (2 language versions of the feed)

How do I upload a feed to Google Merchant Center? Google Shopping
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Hello. My name is Yana Lyashenko – Google Logistician. In today’s video, we will upload two language versions of the feed to one Merchant center. All as you like. The first one is in Russian. The second one is in Ukrainian. Some different versions – the approach is the same. Download link. I’ll tell you about the nuances of how to download a feed from a link directly from the site’s template platform. Time codes below so you won’t get lost.

Why choose Goodp as an example?

Important nuances. Now I will tell you important nuances before we start directly downloading. First, I’ll show the feed upload on the Horosop platform. Why on Horoshop? First, there is access to the site’s admin panel. I will show from beginning to end, with nuances, with a story about important and not important attributes, what is missing in the feed. How to get around when there is not enough, from where and where to load. In the context of the platform Goodp.

Second, I googled and didn’t find a particularly large array of content on this topic in the context of the Horosop platform. Unlike It will be, I think, useful and relevant for the Internet.

The third, important point – I would like to evaluate the convenience of implementing this functionality in the context of the Horosop platform. Clients come, very rarely, they say that there is some kind of problematic online store. It’s on, Horoshop, Shopify or Magenta. As if it has some special important role in the process of unblocking or in the process of uploading the feed. The pros and cons of the Horosop platform based on the tests that I conducted, I will announce in a separate video.

Benefits of Template Frameworks

If we talk about site platforms like Horosop, there,, Shopify, Magenta, WordPress, some with plugins. There are many goodies, advantages, unlike some self-written platforms. Not a hard hat on a self-written platform, our site is on a self-written platform. Nothing wrong with that. Their advantage is that they have a lot of built-in functionality that allows you to quickly solve many tasks that require quick decision-making in Google advertising. Google advertising differs from SEO in that you need to quickly implement functionality and quickly implement all adjustments and changes. In short, okay, I’m not loading. Let’s get started.

Creating a feed on the Goodp platform

Now I’ll show the site’s admin panel. Here you can see the site Now I’ll show it. This is an online store of windows, doors, shutters, protective shutters. A complete online store. There is his admin panel.

Uploading a feed for Merchant Center on the Horoshop platform

To upload a feed for the Merchant center, you need to perform the simplest manipulations. I would like to point out an important fact. For a product to be included in the feed automatically, regardless of its variations, you need to fill in the minimum attributes. And, of course, they are obligatory for the part with attributes, if they are really relevant. Well, you need an article, alias, name, price, photo, description for marketplaces.

Product feed attributes

It’s cool that the description for marketplaces can initially be set by Google. Directly, load from the site, if this is an up-to-date story. Firstly, the relevance of all commodity items and descriptions is observed in this way. If you need to change quickly – come in, change everything at once. This is a plus, an advantage. A big plus, if I don’t write down descriptions for marketplaces, what I wrote here is automatically pulled out in the product description. This is a plus.

Important product parameters – GTIN and MPN

What about GTINs or MPNs? I’ll immediately note the fact that I will now consider the feed of Horosop from the point of view of the adequacy of uploading the feed for the Merchant center. Some platforms have hard shoals with this. I won’t name which ones.

Fill in all product parameters

See GTIN and MPN – specific identifications, barcodes, whatever you want to call them. GTIN – international classification. MPN – product manufacturer code. Some product categories have GTINs. Others don’t, but there are MPNs. It happens that Internet business clients do not have the opportunity to get either MPN or GTIN. They are important, they qualitatively influence the development of smartshopping. Thinking about downloading it – you need smartshopping.

Plus GTINs and MPNs have a qualitative effect on increasing reach. Reach, remember: more coverage – more traffic, more traffic – more sales. There are handicrafts, luxury goods, art, and works of art, etc. that don’t have a GTIN or an MPN. There are situations when the supplier simply does not provide them. And he doesn’t want to mess with it. If you want to implement them, you need to get out at the expense of two additional attributes – the brand and the “has an identifier” attribute.

Forming the feed

Let’s move on to the formation of the feed. I’ll show you how it looks in xml format and finish the moment. Attributes are required. By the way, they have help on how to unload everything, implement it – quite good. You can follow it.

Where is the Merchant center feed located? We go to the Marketing, Marketplace block and everything is quite simple. Can be loaded for Hotline, Rozetka, Facebook.

Marketplaces tab in Horosop

Google feed for Merchant center. First, you need to check the enable box. Then very carefully, there is a category settings block – we do not bypass it. Be sure to check the boxes for the categories you want to download. We want to unload everything – put a tick on everything. We want only entrance doors – we put only entrance doors.

Categories limit for uploading to Google Shopping

This block is categories in Google. In the google product category or in another way, in an abstruse way – Google Taxonomy. You can set it manually. Here you have the option to select it. Set manually or not manually – you can not bathe with it at this stage. Because now Google automatically determines its own categorization. If anyone does not know, there is a certain Google categorization. You can find a complete up-to-date list in the help. Enter the google product category block, merchant center attribute. Find a separate help section. There you can download all these categories in Excel or in TXT format.

If someone uses a manual google produced category layout, at least once every six months, check to see if it’s up to date. Google regularly removes some categories, deepens some. Pay attention to it. You can not initially set this product category. It’s not obligatory. Google itself will assign a product category. Carefully check, selectively, the relevance of product categorization. It was such that face masks – cosmetic subjects, were assigned the identifier dog food. This happens, but very rarely. There was, of course, a primitive feed. It was finalized, the categorization straightened out. Trust automation, but check.

We mark the categories that are needed for export. Then we return to Marketplaces. Definitely, remember. If we create a new feed, a new feed, or something has been updated, some new categories, etc., we need to update the feed. Be sure to click the generate feed button. Click on “Generate Feed”. Here the system should write “The file was successfully generated.” After that we can switch to xml links. There are two language versions – ru and yua. We click on ru – we get such a link, according to which the Merchant center feed is loaded directly.

Generate data feed

Checking the generated feed

What do you need to pay attention to? The link should show the information in this form. There should be a list of attributes that must be loaded. Look, if it ends with description, then at the previous stage you forgot to tick which categories of goods to unload. We look in what format the feed should be. There is ID. Fine. title. Russian version of the feed. Title in Russian. Discrimination.

Title and Description in product feed

By the way, I love these kind of transcriptions. Clearly, to the point. Characteristics, overlay, mineral wool, filling. Everything you need for doors. Not at all like here. “The Grand House door line, a trade mark of Ukrainian doors, is a high-quality product for private houses, at profitable …” In short, never add such a characteristic. Leave this for SEO. In the context, you need to be clear, to the point. What do you sell, what does it consist of. Remember, we prescribe everything directly in the product card. I say what is good, what is bad.

There is a link, a landing page. Pay attention – here /ru. This means that the Ukrainian-language version is the basic one, and /ru is the duplicated information. Link to image_link. It’s cool that additional_image_link is loaded here, an advantage. There are platforms, extensions that cling to some platforms – do not load additional_image_link. OK. Specify additional images – they are loaded here.

In stock, 5 thousand. Now we get to the most important thing. She talked about how to bypass GTIN and MPN. Of course, this is not the type of advertising that, taking into account the attributes, available on the site. The product has no attributes – it is necessary that there are two attributes in the feed – brand and identifier_exist. Believe me, not all platforms load identifier_exist automatically. To think, to foresee, he is needed, not needed. You have to constantly remember. Plus, the product range changes too often – it will be most relevant when the information is taken over by the system. Cool.

What do these two attributes mean? No GTIN, MPN – must tell the system what to rely on so that it understands what the product is about. Takes the job of brand name. The brand is fundamental to most types of targeting. At the same time, she needs to be additionally told that there is no GTIN, MPN. The identifier_exist column. It must be set if there is no GTIN, MPN in the status of false or none. You can put. It’s cool that the system, if there is no GTIN or MPN, automatically sets identifier_exist.

Auto MPN

Some might say. I can set the block to none or false immediately if I use feed conversion rules. There are certain rules that you can automatically set this value in the merchant. Set false or none, etc. A GTIN appears, and initially the rule was set to none. Or something to take, to choose. In short, plus some additional actions, etc., you need to remember. Sometimes this is decided by fidom. Accordingly, an irrelevant product range is obtained. I believe that when the system takes over the monkey work. She’s a monkey – a primitive operation job. Cool. Respect for this. We encounter on the Shopify platform – many use various extensions that cling to the base in the basic version of the platform feed and allow you to perform different actions with feeds.

There are extensions that identifier_exist cannot set to none, false, and vice versa. Or loaded with errors. Look, the choice of extension is a matter of the wallet and taste. You can’t argue with that. It seems good when you don’t think about it. The system decides automatically, a priori. I think this is a great plus. Move on. We selectively check several commodity items, whether there are mandatory attributes. Here for any there is. What do we do next? Now let’s upload the feeds directly to the Merchant center.

Types of feed uploads to the Merchant Center

When you go to the “Products” tab, when there were no download variations before, when you add a product to the Merchant center, such a block pops up – a window with a cat. Everyone loves cats.

Products tab in Merchant Center

There are three options for loading goods. Moreover, it is very important to note that the automatic option for loading feeds is available only on site platforms where structured data is well written. This You can read about it in the help. No requests. Google it. Read. If they are not registered, they are filled on the Horoshop platform. On the platform – not filled. On these platforms, the functionality of automatic feeds is available. Autofeeds, when the system has read what the goods are about – now we can see. Found 271 items. I want to ship, of course, less. Found the following properties. Determined the language, determined the country, availability, information. Seems cool, cool. I don’t really like this method, downloads. Why? Now I’m telling.

Product feed on the platform

I encountered an example on the platform. The client was unable to download the feed using the link. Don’t ask why. Used the automatic addition of goods to the site. 40 percent of the goods simply went immediately to the rejected ones. For one simple reason – 404 page “URL not valid”. Naturally, they began to understand. Why is the URL not valid on the templating platform. It turned out that all invalid pages loaded using the automatic feed were on already deleted product pages. The system pulled out structured data anyway.

I like control – over what I upload, how much I upload, so that I can correct the product, remove it from advertising and make some variations. Plus, at the initial stage, before you go through the first check of the product in the Merchant center, in order to avoid possible reasons for blocking, I will now tell you why the merchant is blocked, when loading automatically the feed in Ukraine, I recommend downloading from the feed link or manually setting the products.

Why might you get blocked? For the client, the reason for blocking and distorting the facts has, of course, already been corrected, it was that for Russia, specifically, the feeds are completely rejected. Those who are faced with loading goods for different countries understand that there should be a separate version for different countries – language and currency. They distorted the facts for the Google system using an automatic feed due to the fact that the automatic feed identified the Russian language as a separate country for Russia. It was on the prom, I don’t know the reasons why it happened.

System rejected. Allegedly, the currency is different. There are no delivery terms in Russia. A bunch of other things have not been fulfilled for the condition of passing advertising for Russia. Do you understand? If you want a minimum of hemorrhoids with loading feeds, in total – load in the standard classical way, by URL, as classically necessary, according to science. Problems – means they need to be solved on the site. But, not this. Of course, you can remove the language version for Russia, delete it. This is already blocking the Merchant center. You need to file an appeal. Tell me you’re not stupid. In short, is it necessary?

In order to avoid various problems at the initial stages, and go light, please choose the classic download method. Now we will add goods, if anything, we will remove them from here, from the Merchant center. See. See how wonderful. In Horoshop, site crawling started right away. Initially, the country of sale is Ukraine, the content language is Russian and Ukrainian. As for the Russian language, I know that in new accounts there is no way to select Russian Ukraine. If possible, choose Russian Ukraine for targeting, which is for SEO issuance, for which you are very worried, that for issuing advertising, Russian Ukraine works much better.

Select Russian language for content

Good. Look, let’s wait until the site is scanned to see what has been uploaded, what has not been uploaded. You see, there are no buttons “Update”, “Download”, etc. Should happen automatically. Let’s wait until the goods are loaded.

Now, let’s go back while the site is being crawled to load products, now we’ll see how everything happens. Now let’s load the standard xml file. What do you need?

Look. I go to Merchant center. I’m going to Feeds.

Feeds tab in the Merchant Center personal account

Press the plus sign.

Adding a new main data feed

Next, select the country of sale. The country of sale must match the specific version of the site. If in English, you sell somewhere in the USA, Canada, please choose this country. If the feed is in Russian or Ukrainian, we can choose Ukraine. Language choose Russian Ukraine. He is available. Choose the language that is available.

Select one of the available languages

I specify the title. Feed name. Specify what you want. Russian-language feed. I call it Russian. There will be a third version. Because I re-recorded the video several times. Further, in order to add the feed exactly by the link, select the block according to the schedule. If you choose download, then you need a file. The file must be downloaded from the system. Not a very practical story. Because you need to monitor the relevance of the uploaded file manually. It is not necessary at this stage of life. “Content API” – it’s simple. The site platform immediately contacts the Merchant center for internal integration. In practice, you do not implement anything yourself.

Configure automatic scheduled product uploads

According to the schedule. It is advisable to enter the name of the feed. The feed name must match the name of the file that you upload to the Merchant center service via SFTP, FTP or Google Cloud Storage. You can call it whatever you like. Enter the name generated by the feed. After slash. I will do my best not to confuse them with each other. Next, set the download frequency. First, before the first moderation, I recommend setting the download frequency to monthly before the first moderation.

For what? In order not to lengthen the process of passing moderation. Because goods can be added, something can change. Simply, the three days that are given for the initial moderation of the feed can be stretched. Initially set monthly.

Pay attention to the block. There is a download date and download time. In different platforms, especially self-written ones, there are certain points, nuances. Sometimes it loads, the feed is updated once a day. Someone once a week. Some once a month. Depending on how often the product range changes. Depending on how often prices change, some other attributes.

It says in Horosop’s help that the feed is updated daily. Every day at 4:15 am. Pay attention to this fact if there are any nuances. The date is not particularly important. I choose the loading time of 5 am.

Why should I pay attention to loading time? If there is an update of information at 4:15. I’ll set it to midnight. It turns out on the second day – prices will be updated, irrelevant information will start spinning in advertising, by product range or by attributes.

Choose a time to update information daily

Now we need to paste the URL of the file. Completely its Control+C and here Control+V. I click “Create a feed”.

Creating a product feed

Attention! The feed loading is not finished yet at this stage. The screen block appears. The blue Upload File button will light up. Don’t click here. Click on “Download Now”.

Choose Upload now

Click “Upload File” – it will ask you to upload a physical file. It can be so heavy that there is not enough memory to load it. Click “Download Now”. The system will start unloading the product range using the link from the feed generated at the previous stage. We are waiting while the file is being processed. An error will occur immediately. It doesn’t matter that the product was loaded using another feed.

We do not pay attention to this error, because, when I overwrite the video, the file was loaded. There is data duplication. We are waiting for the file to be loaded and processed. What is important to see? To update the number of goods that are unloaded. Their number should match what you actually pull into the feed.

Understand the volume of the product range. It is important. There are 210 elements here. The product was added using several feeds, I talked about this error. 210 elements. All items you need. Please, they got to be unloaded at the Merchant center.

Product added using multiple feeds

Basic checking of goods should begin. Initially, the goods will now load with large errors. What big mistakes? While the picture is being checked, loaded, etc. Plus, updating product information takes up to 30 minutes. They will load here, well, with a rather large delay. While it is being loaded here, now let’s load one more feed – Ukrainian. We leave the Russian version to see if all the attributes and data that are set converge as a requirement for loading feeds in different languages by the Merchant center system.

Using another feed in Ukrainian

Press XML(ua). A new feed file has been formed, but in Ukrainian. You can see by title. Russian language version. How many id is here? 00005. Ukrainian version, 00005.

Here “Entrance doors”. The important point is that the URL is different from the previous version. Maybe vice versa – the Russian-language version of the feed is basic, and /ua is added for the Ukrainian one. Do as you wish. Here I like it the other way around. It meets the requirements of Ukrainian legislation as much as possible.

Alternative feed in Ukrainian

In short, be sure to check the brand and identifier_exist. Why? Told before. All perfectly. There is. What are we doing? We are going to download the second Ukrainian-language version of the feed. We press the plus sign. We choose “Ukraine”. We choose the language “Ukrainian”. He is alone. Continue.

Select Ukrainian language here

We call it “Ukrainian”. You can name “panels”, “doors”, “windows”. Whatever you upload. It will be 3, I’ll put it. “Scheduled”. Continue.

In the same way, we assign a scheduled update

“Feed name” – call it what you need. I name according to how the file is unloaded. Set the frequency to “Monthly”. Loading time, be sure to set it to 5 am.

Come up with a name and set the upload frequency

Now we need a URL. Fully. “Create Feed”. Again, you need to click “Download Now”. Wait for the feed to be processed. After that, we can already partially see some information. Attention! Do not be alarmed if initially there is a load by zeros of goods. When loading a product, it is very important that system errors do not pop up. So that there is nothing red, critical, which will not allow you to reload the feed. All critical red errors will be highlighted in the processing tab of the specific language feed. The language feed is currently loading.

Waiting for it to load. After we will look if there are any system errors. Pay attention to mistakes. So that nothing is forgotten. To fully load different language versions.

Feeds. Here’s a site scan. View products. What is? 210 products. It. The site is still being scanned. It does not display a list of products. You see, everything is empty. Latest data.

Well, it might take up to half an hour. Maybe I’ll pause the video now so that the Ukrainian version of the language is loaded. 210 products. Products were added using several feeds. 210 items loaded.

Report processing

Okay. No errors, no red notifications. What will happen? You see the Ukrainian version of the feed – there are already 158 products. A total of 375 are already displayed. Our Ukrainian feed. Country of sale UA, language uk. And off we go.

Ukrainian product feed

Our products. It happens that on some product card it is empty here without a picture. This means that the feed is still being moderated. The initial scan of the shared data is in progress. I remind you that the full moderation of all commodity items may be the first in the region of three days. Usually, in three days everything is fully checked. Someone quickly filmed the ending separately before that, so as not to stretch the video for three days. Some of the goods on the first day already, most passed. It could already, in fact, be launched into advertising.

Well, we’re done with loading the feeds. On Horoshop, this is done quickly. She talked more about some nuances than loaded the feed. Feed loading, the formation of a feed will take at least two minutes, if you cut out all these texts, symbols, etc., the feed is loaded much faster. Confirmation is even faster. So, wonderful, wonderful. In short, we are done with feeds. All perfectly. Everything is correct. See you in new releases.

Яна Ляшенко
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