Case: on auto parts — how to level up when everything falls

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Hi everyone, my name is Yana Lyashenko. I am a Google-logist. In this video, I’m going to show a pretty interesting case study. What is the interesting part of it? Let’s even start with the next one. That’s where I’ve seen people fiddle with their briefcases. Yeah. When they fudge the numbers on their cases. I’m gonna reload the page in front of you, go back to the review. I hope this helps to understand that the case is real.

Review of the client’s performance and results

What are we going to be looking at here? What did the client come in with? He came in with this impoverishment. I would call him like Yulia Vladimirovna. Remember I told you, I warned you before the New Year, or rather the Googlers warned you, I warned you that Google had changed something in its tag that would affect the work of performances. And, in principle, he made a lot of edits of some indirectly, at the end of January I wrote about it in the telegram channel, so subscribe. I write very interesting observations there. A client came in with this situation. All this despite the fact that he did nothing in the project. That is, he didn’t make significant, even minimal changes to this advertising campaign. And these performances, there was only one performance, I think, of the active ones he just dropped. Just by itself.

You see what the conversion rate is here, everything else with this situation. Since the end of February, I think, I have in my CRM-book the date of clicks marked as February 28, I think, something like that. Please, we started to come back to this situation, to come out. There is a drop here because this is the last week, it is like this here. You can see here the analysis by day, it is more impressive.

That is, the first – here is a drop, a subsidence in the client since February 8. You see, before that, everything was going plus or minus exactly the same. Perhaps it’s a question of the price per conversion, or something else.

Then there’s one step down and then there’s another one. And you can see that we tried to stabilize this whole situation. Here you can even see the conversion rate, which was high in the first place. And where it led to in some pictures. You can see our steps in the growth of conversions. Now the task is to stabilize the price per conversion, because, as you can see, performance is also fluctuating quite nicely. Not the performance, but the changes that googlers make. Not without that. The task of the specialist…

Why should you trust your advertising campaigns to the experts?

I want to fix a certain thing in people’s heads when there are such raging stories in projects and a specialist is trying to fix it and it does not work, for example, very quickly to make a very beautiful presentable picture even, it does not mean that the specialist does not know what he is doing in the account. As one of my clients said to me, “Does this mean that you have no influence on anything? No! Just a competent specialist in conditions when there are such rehearsals in accounts, just a competent specialist with practice will be able to stabilize it.

That is, not to bring to such a cardinal subsidence. You see, for example, 500 UAH one sale. 600 UAH there 1.77 conversion. 5 per conversion 629 UAH. That is, five sales, each of them for 629 UAH. This is the theme we have auto parts. I think that all those who are familiar with auto parts – for them it is not a feasible figure, it is necessary at what cost to sell the part to repay this whole story. So a competent specialist can deal with all this and stabilize it in the shortest possible time. Because if you do not change anything, for example, let’s assume that the specialist does not understand what he is doing, it will be like this. And here is the work of a competent specialist when it is all trying to stabilize, to bring to a certain more or less adequate level of the picture which can grow in pieces and at the same time plus or minus keep the price for conversion or payback that the client requires. This is a theme of auto parts for various cars. I will not specify enough because plus or minus all competitors among themselves, I will not show the strategy.

A few strategies that work for auto parts

One of the important nuances is that in auto parts you will have several variants of the strategy working for you, this is the most proven of all. Of course there are two projects that come in, you duplicate the same strategies, they do not come together so well the first time. Because every project is different, your products are different, your margins are different, everyone has their own KPIs. That is, you are all different, and accordingly, you have different workout strategies. And when performances enter the auction, they also enter at different moments. They have very different first analytics.

So that you understand, you usually have several strategies at work. The first is to launch one general campaign and your task is simply to describe correctly in the settings options, budgets to swing correctly. And you will feel more or less confident. And you will also increase the number of conversions simply at least at the expense of the budget. The second situation when you will very sharply increase the price per conversion, then most likely have to abandon this overall campaign.

The second variant of the strategy, which is also in the topic of auto parts is quite proven. It usually depends on the type of auto part from the customer or it is more convenient for them to call you or order directly through the shopping cart. It’s a price breakdown. Here I can tell you right away why the price breakdown? Because for each price segment of the range you will have the opportunity to set a personalized budget and value strategy options. Whether it’s profitability, whether it’s price per conversion, whether it’s price per conversion, it doesn’t matter what you’re going to use. This is a very important nuance for you to understand. That is, it is not a panacea for everything: if you have a super-budget check that is not converted very profitably, it is a problem of settings. And you need to either complete the analytics or, accordingly, completely radically redesign the strategy.

And finally, the third variant of the strategy, which can work quite effectively for you, and from which I would suggest you to work at all. This or work according to my scheme, which I call “cash cows”, “zvyodochki”, “dead dogs”, “zzerolevki”, these are the ones you need to work with. Who is interested, we can consider these moments with you on individual consultations for your projects because, as a rule, people do not know how to pick out “cash cows”. “Cash cows” – it’s not just products that were sold there, or it’s not just products that gave a certain number of pieces in conversions. It’s not about cash cow merchandise. It’s not star goods, it’s a whole different situation. A lot of people don’t know what dead dogs are. A lot of people don’t even know what a “zero” is. We can deal with you in this situation at a consultation.

Why is the breakdown into product groups not suitable in this situation?

Because the option of breaking down into product groups is not quite working here. Why? Most likely, this is due to the specifics of the user’s behavior when buying your product. He or she may visit one product to buy a completely different one. That is, it is very common for the number of conversions at the campaign level to be much higher than, for example, the number of conversions at the product level. Or it happens that after 3-4 days you see a completely different number of conversions in general, because these conversions have been pulled up by attribution models. This is another such difficulty. Therefore, the breakdown by product group in such situations is not entirely correct.

Here is a picture of the situation, a breakdown. How much do we get here? 187, 220 conversions. You can see that this is much more than it was before. At the same time, the cost per conversion, for example, here was also 87 UAH, you see. But here the number of conversions is twice as high, because this is a data-driven attribution model. That is, there are much more actual clicks here. There will be even more of them and the price per conversion is almost identical to what it was before.

Changes in campaign results as a result of changes to Google’s algorithms

If you look here, then of course this is the period when the performance was breaking down, that is, Googlers make their changes in accordance with new trends and do not escape from it. It is impossible to make such an advertising tool that would stand still. The behavior of users when buying is changing, they are becoming more demanding, many sites are interrupted before ordering something or contacting you. That is, they make a lot of clicks on your sites, on your competitor. At the same time, we have this GDPR, when we have already switched to a new mechanical model of data collection, when the first first-party data, this is called, are now prioritized. A lot of algorithms are being reworked. There is no getting away from this.

It’s a pity that advertisers suffer, but most likely it’s just tests that are conducted on you, then the average values ​​are output and it’s done with it. The main thing is that you find a competent specialist who would be able to make this picture in these periods, at least to return it to some previous period. How we and one of the project considered this situation – yes, we did not grow in March. There was also subsidence in March. There was a dip in Google’s change algorithms, but it wasn’t a dip to zero, the number of conversions was much higher than that.

And if a competent specialist had not edited it all, he would not have corrected this entire situation – most likely it would have been similar to this client. I have him so presentable enough for the ostentatiousness of the situation when the performance itself is being done with Google and what a specialist can do against this background, even here, when he starts his work. Here you can already see that the number of conversions is increasing. I agree that the price for the conversion is still very expensive, but here it is already sinking, decreasing to what value. This is a very demonstrative example of what a specialist can do when something changes in Google’s algorithms, the mechanics of data collection, there are some interruptions in your account, or a bunch of fake orders have started to arrive. A competent specialist is not a person who simply adjusts something in your account, he is a person who, against the background of this whole story, can bring it to a more or less stable option.

It’s just that there are a lot of statistics here, so it happens faster. For example, up to 70 hryvnias, then again 166, and here is a reduction in the price per conversion, despite the fact that the number of conversions has increased here. It’s pure shopping, it’s not some other left conversions. Here the account goes purely on shopping, which I really like. These are not complex projects where you need to add something else. But here, too, the technical base in terms of settings is correct, it was done correctly, the edited technical side of the tags is correct, correct work.

Advantages of artificial intelligence in the work of Performance Max

And this is the same story that I tell every time about Performance Max – we specialists need to come to terms with the fact that the era of manual campaigns with manual adjustments will not give us the effect that automation can give. In addition to machine learning, algorithms of artificial intelligence are sewn into the performances. In smart shopping, who still remembers our smart shopping, there was just machine learning. Artificial intelligence is built right in. From the quality of the provided information that is sewn into these accounts, you can manage, you can monitor this analytics in a commercial way, see what is happening with the projects in a commercial way, correct it in time. You will edit this base on which the artificial intelligence learns, because it is actually very powerful.

What does your AI do? Can he see, if you set up a technical tracking base for him, what can he see? He sees what happens with the product ID when we visit the site. That is why it is necessary to end this era with the duplication of feeds, because it is very important for the system to see what is happening with your ID on the site, whether this product item was added to the cart, in a phone call, some form, whether people completed the order, or simply left the site. The system also sees that they enter through a certain product position and went for a walk through your catalog. The system sees how long, far in time this user was before that, how many sessions he made. If you present the same analytics on the sites of your competitors, everything is taken into account – what is happening with your competitors, what are your marginal KPIs, what are your budgets. Very large array of devices, visit time, is repeat visit/unrepeat visit. Do you have an average number of days there one goes to complete a purchase or is it three days. The average number of interactions in the first day is three or four interactions or is it just one, from one interaction I went in and bought immediately.

This entire set of minimally described performance signals sees it. This is not just a story about some kind of targeting, no. This is a very smart, highly intellectual story that came out here. Not only that, it is capable, like other artificial intelligence, of self-learning and self-development. Well, yes, she is not super cool there. But, so that you understand, in each of your projects, there is a very powerful advertising tool in the accounts. How I like the phrase we say “very powerful”. Because he is capable of self-learning. Will everything turn out great for him? No. Why? Understand one thing – you are not given a tool that is fully tested and verified. All these changes are happening right now, at every moment, every second when a commercial advertisement goes to auction in any country of the world at any time period on any device. This is all happening right now, at the moment when you are watching this video, this functionality is learning. That is why it is so difficult with him now. I’m not sure that Google, as promised, will make such a super cool tool that will do everything for you completely. He will relieve him a lot. But there will still be such situations.

Conclusions based on the results of the work

And, unfortunately or fortunately, these specialists who can cope with this – their value on the market will only grow and their number, I hope, will also be high-quality specialists, will also grow. Because simply setting up campaigns there Ctrl+C ctrl+V or simply re-creating the campaign or simply cutting the budget thoughtlessly will not work. Here something was already being done, here there was a performance by one poor little thing that simply existed. And he just gave some kind of analytics and then Google made changes, his behavior mechanics radically changed, he did a bunch of different tests that did not correlate with the result at all.

Here the client, of course, waited. It was brought to some kind of absurdity by the Google system itself. Did Google compensate here? I think it’s unlikely, because they explain it with their algorithms and tools. Because this situation is random in different periods for different projects because we don’t know at that moment it had an effect on your performances.

This is approximately this picture, this is the situation in projects 30 days, 81 UAH. And one of the difficulties that this project has is that this is an unrealistic number of conversions at the moment. We will actually see the plus or minus in about three days. This is not only specific to the data-driven attribution model, it’s even on the last click. The more conversions in your account, the less presentable the analytics for the last three days. That is, there were situations when we edited these advertising campaigns, changed the targeting in them, and then three days later we saw that the result was awesome, it was necessary to create a completely different set of tools. Could this be solved, for example, by revising the CRM system? Well, yes and no. If a client has a lot of traffic sources, then, as a rule, it is not a fact that this could help us.

This is the nuance, the complexity that also exists in this project, which you must calculate.

Яна Ляшенко
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